Interesting links, Spring 2000

Further Reading

Our solars system, stars etc.

"Coming of Age in the Milky Way" - Timothy Ferris

Relativity of the big bang:

"The little book of the big bang," Hogan.
"A brief history of time," Stephen Hawking

Physics of elementary particles:

QED - Richard Feynman

eresting links

Discover the Universe
Missions, Instruments and Programs
American Astronomical Society Home Page
HEASARC: Outreach Links
Introducing Sky & Telescope Magazine
NASA Organization
The NASA Homepage
The Planetary Society
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Web Nebulae
Astronomy (Science)
Astronomy and Astrophysics at NSSDC
Astronomy activities index
Brief History of Cosmology
Astronomy HyperText Book
NSSDC Photo Gallery
Malin Space Science Systems New Home Page
Human Exploration and Development of Space (HEDS)
Earth Science and Solar System Exploration Division