from bstiter import _BSTIterator """ This implementation of avl tree is based on the following notes and the notes from our textbook by Necaise There are other, possibly better implementations. But this one closely follow the notion in our textbook. CSCI 204 Fall 2012 A. Kurdia and X. Meng """ class AVLTree: def __init__( self ): """ Creates an empty binary search tree.""" self._root = None self._size = 0 def __len__( self ): """Returns the number of entries in the bst.""" return self._size def __iter__( self ): """Returns an iterator for traversing the keys in the bst. """ return _BSTIterator( self._root ) def print( self ): if self._root != None: self._root.print() def __contains__( self, key ): """Determines if the map contains the given key.""" return self._bstSearch( self._root, key ) is not None def _bstSearch( self, subtree, target ): """Helper method that recursively searches the tree for a target key.""" if subtree is None : # base case, not found return None elif target < subtree.key : # target is left of the subtree root. return self._bstSearch( subtree.left, target ) elif target > subtree.key : # target is right of the subtree root. return self._bstSearch( subtree.right,target ) else : # base case, found! return subtree def _avlRotateRight( self, pivot ): """ Rotates the pivot to the right around its left child. """ # Set C to be the left of pivot and S2 to be the right of C # See Necaise Fig 14.17, page 431 C = pivot.left S2 = C.right C.right = pivot # C.left and pivot.right unchanged pivot.left = S2 # update the height pivot.height = max( self.getHeight( pivot.left ), \ self.getHeight( pivot.right ) ) + 1 C.height = max( self.getHeight( C.left ), \ self.getHeight( C.right ) ) + 1 # return the new root return C def _avlRotateLeft( self, pivot ): """ Rotates the pivot to the left around its right child. """ # Set C to be the right of pivot and S2 to be left of C # See Necaise Fig 14.19, page 433 C = pivot.right S2 = C.left C.left = pivot # C.right and pivot.left unchanged pivot.right = S2 # update the height pivot.height = max( self.getHeight( pivot.left ), \ self.getHeight( pivot.right ) ) + 1 C.height = max( self.getHeight( C.left ), \ self.getHeight( C.right ) ) + 1 # return the new root return C def getHeight( self, node ): """Return the height of the node""" if node == None: return 0 else: return node.height def getBalance( self, node ): """Return the 'balance factor'""" if node == None: return 0 return self.getHeight( node.left ) - self.getHeight( node.right ) def add( self, key, value ): """Add a new node with key and value into this avl tree.""" node = self._bstSearch( self._root, key ) if node is not None : node.value = value return False else : self._root = self._avlInsert( self._root, key, value ) self._size += 1 return True def _avlInsert( self, subtree, key, newitem ): """Help method to insert the node into the tree""" # 1. perform normal BST insertion # See if we have found the insertion point. if subtree is None : subtree = _AVLTreeNode( key, newitem ) return subtree # See if we need to navigate to the left. elif key < subtree.key : subtree.left = self._avlInsert( subtree.left, key, newitem ) # Otherwise, navigate to the right. else : # key > subtree.key subtree.right = self._avlInsert( subtree.right, key, newitem ) # 2. update the height of this node subtree.height = max( self.getHeight( subtree.left ), \ self.getHeight( subtree.right ) ) + 1 # 3. get the balance factor balance = self.getBalance( subtree ) # If the subtree becomes unbalanced, four cases need to be dealt with # Refer to discussions in page 431 - 433 of textbook Necaise # Case 1: new node in branch of subtree.left.left, height of # that branch is too big, rotate right if balance > 1 and key < subtree.left.key: subtree = self._avlRotateRight( subtree ) return subtree # Case 2: new node in branch of subtree.left.right, height of # that branch is too big, rotate left around subtree.left, # then rotate right around subtree elif balance > 1 and key > subtree.left.key: subtree.left = self._avlRotateLeft( subtree.left ) subtree = self._avlRotateRight( subtree ) return subtree # Case 3: new node in branch of subtree.right.right, height of # that branch is too big, rotate left elif balance < -1 and key > subtree.right.key: subtree = self._avlRotateLeft( subtree ) return subtree # Case 4: new node in branch of subtree.right.left, height of # that branch is too big, rotate right around subtree.right, # then rotate left around subtree elif balance < -1 and key < subtree.right.key: subtree.right = self._avlRotateRight( subtree.right ) subtree = self._avlRotateLeft( subtree ) return subtree # Return the results. return subtree def remove( self, key ): """Remove a node from the tree""" assert key in self, "Invalid map key." self._root = self._avlRemove( self._root, key ) self._size -= 1 def _avlRemove( self, subtree, key ): """Helper method to remove the node""" # 1. perform standard BST removal if subtree == None: return subtree if key < subtree.key: # go left subtree.left = self._avlRemove( subtree.left, key ) elif key > subtree.key: # go right subtree.right = self._avlRemove( subtree.right, key ) else: # found the node to be deleted subtree = self._avlDeleteNode( subtree ) # if the tree had only one node, return if subtree == None: return subtree # 2. Update the height of the current node subtree.height = max( self.getHeight( subtree.left ), \ self.getHeight( subtree.right ) ) + 1 # 3. Get the balance factor of this node balance = self.getBalance( subtree ) # Case 1: left branch is higher, the left child of the left branch # is higher than the right child of the left branch, rotate right if balance > 1 and self.getBalance( subtree.left ) >= 0: return self._avlRotateRight( subtree ) # Case 2: left branch is higher, the right child of the left branch # is higher than the left child of the left branch, rotate left # around left child, then rotate right around node if balance > 1 and self.getBalance( subtree.left ) < 0: subtree.left = self._avlRotateLeft( subtree.left ) return self._avlRotateRight( subtree ) # Case 3: right branch is higher, the right child of the right branch # is higher than the left child of the right branch, rotate left if balance < -1 and self.getBalance( subtree.right ) <= 0: return self._avlRotateLeft( subtree ) # Case 4: right branch is higher, the left child of the right branch # is higher than the right child of the right branch, rotate left # around right child, then rotate right around node if balance < -1 and self.getBalance( subtree.right ) > 0: subtree.right = self._avlRotateRight( subtree.right ) return self._avlRotateLeft( subtree ) return subtree def _avlDeleteNode( self, node ): """Delete this AVL node""" if node.left is None and node.right is None : # leaf node return None elif node.left is None or node.right is None : # one child if node.left is not None : return node.left else : return node.right else : # two children, find in-order successor, replace current with it successor = self._avlFindMin( node.right ) node.key = successor.key node.value = successor.value node.right = self._avlRemove( node.right, successor.key ) return node def _avlFindMin( self, subtree ): """Helper method for finding the node containing the minimum key.""" if subtree is None : return None elif subtree.left is None : return subtree else : return self._avlFindMin( subtree.left ) # Storage class for the binary search tree nodes class _AVLTreeNode : def __init__( self, key, value ): self.key = key self.height = 1 self.value = value self.left = None self.right = None def __str__( self ): return str( self.value ) def print(self): """ Print out the tree rooted at this node. """ lines = [] strings = [] self.printNodes(lines, strings) st = "" for string in strings: st = st + string print(st) def printNodes(self, lines, strings): """ Helper function for print(). """ level = len(lines) if self.right != None: lines.append(False) self.printLines(lines, strings, "\n") self.right.printNodes(lines, strings) lines.pop(level) else: self.printLines(lines, strings, "\n") if level>0: old = lines.pop(level-1) self.printLines(lines, strings, " +--") lines.append(not old) strings.append( str(self.key) + "\n") if self.left != None: lines.append(True) self.left.printNodes(lines, strings) self.printLines(lines, strings, "\n") lines.pop(level) else: self.printLines(lines, strings, "\n") def printLines(self, lines, strings, suffix): """ Helper function for print(). """ for line in lines: if line: strings.append(" | ") else: strings.append(" ") strings.append(suffix)