Department of Computer Science, Bucknell University

CSCI 311: Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2017


  • Two types of homework: problem sets and programming assignments
  • Problem Sets: individual assignments; submit the hardcopies to your instructor at the end of the class on the particular due date
  • Programs: group of two; one submission per group; submit your assignments through Moodle

Late Submission Policy

  • Each student will be given 3 late days to use during the semester (a weekend counts as one day).
  • When you hand in something late, indicate how many late days you are using and how many you think you have left.
  • Once your late days are exhausted, any further late assignments will be accepted only at the discretion of the instructor, and with a penalty to be negotiated.


  • Exam I: September 25,2017 (Monday)
  • Exam II: October 30, 2017 (Monday)

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