Jackson Brigade, Inc.
Obit. for J. Brannon Bennett
Died November 26, 1933

Submitted by Nancy Jackson

J. Brannon Bennett Age 59, former resident of Walkersville, died in a Buckhannon hospital, Sunday [November 26, 1933]. Born Weston, son of late W.G. and Alice (Brannon) Bennett. Married Ethel Hayhurst who died last year. Family then moved to Weston. Three children, Miss Margaret Bennett of Parkersburg, Jonathan and George Bennett, both at home; brother, Hunter M. Bennett of Weston; two sisters, Mrs. Robert Crain of baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Bertha B. Kenner of Weston. Services Tuesday, interment Weston Masonic Cemetery.

(Weston Democrat, Fri. 1 Dec. 1933)

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Jackson Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303