Jackson Brigade, Inc.

Obituary for Minnie Jane Porter Davis
Died January 31, 1950

Carthage Republican Carthage, Illinois Wednesday February 1, 1950 Page 8 Column 2 Mrs. Minnie Davis Dies in Hospital

Mrs. Minnie J. Davis, of Carthage, widow of the late John W. Davis, passed away Tuesday morning at St. Joseph hospital, in Keokuk, following nearly five weeks as a hospital patient, from a combination of incurable diseases. Her age was 78 years, one month and nine days.

Minnie Jane Porter Davis was the eldest child of Edmund G. Porter and Sarah Frances Mosley Porter. She was born Dec. 22, 1871, in St. Marys township, Hancock County.

As a girl, she spent her social life mostly in the St. Marys and Middle Creek neighborhoods and when Nov. 16, 1890, she was happily married to John W. Davis she continued to live on a farm not far from her old friends and home folks.

These newly weds were ambitious and thrifty and soon owned their own farm in the Middle Creek neighborhood, where they lived until they retired in 1938 and moved to Carthage.

Mrs. Davis expressed her faith in Christ and united with the Christian church in early womanhood and continued to attend and support that church until the health of Mr. Davis confined her to her home to care for him. Despite her tender care, Mr. Davis passed away in July, 1946.

Following the death of her husband, Mrs. Davis began to lose her eyesight and fail in health. However, despite her handicaps, she bravely continued to live alone and make regular shopping trips, always on the alert and carrying her old white cane.

Many people, especially the older ones, are saddened by her passing and know that they will miss the sound of her cane and a cheery greeting.

She leaves to mourn her passing many friends and relatives, including the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Musa Boston, near Carthage; Minor C. Porter, Canton, Ill.; Merrill D. Porter, Carthage; and Mrs. Josephine Strong, Carthage.

"Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loveliness never dies, She lives in a land of glory, With blue and gold of the skies.

And we who have known and loved her, Whose passing has brought us tears, Will cherish her memory always, To brighten the drifting years."

The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 at the Fecht Funeral Home, with Rev. Frank W. Leonard officiating. Lester Rampley will sing "Pilot Me" and "Whispering Hope," accompanied by Mrs. Lowell Smith.

Pallbearers will be E. P. Cutler, Arthur Wright, Roy Metz, Walter Rowland, Joseph Lenix and Lloyd Ericson.

Burial will be in Moss Ridge cemetery.

Submitted by Mary Love Berryman.

Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update January 2, 2009

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Copyright © 2009
Jackson Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303