Index to
Jackson Brigade
Express Newsletter

compiled by
John M. Jackson

Copyright © Jackson Brigade, Inc., 2006
All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the prior expressed
written consent of the publisher.
Using the Index
The following conventions are
used for entries within the index:
- Entries appear in the following format: volume number(issue number): page numbers
- A range of inclusive pages is indicated by a
hyphen ( - ) between the page numbers
- ÒSkipsÓ are indicated by a comma ( , ) between
page numbers
- References to multiple volumes within a single
entry are separated by a semi-colon ( ; )
- A bold
number indicates that an illustration of the subject appears on that
page. Textual references to
the subject may or not also be found on that page
These conventions may be seen
in the illustration below:
Jackson, Lily Irene, 8(3): 5,
8-11, 13; 10(3): 14
In the example, references to
Lily Irene Jackson are said to appear on pages 5, 8 though 11 and 13 in volume
8, number 3; and a photo appears on page 14 of volume 10, number 3.
Further considerations:
- The index assumes that users already know
something about the name for which they are searching and attempts to
correct misspellings or variants which appear in the original publication,
consolidating them under a single standard entry (but only when it could
be confidently concluded that these variations referred to a single
individual). For example, references to ÒH. B. Marshall,Ó ÒH. Britton
MarshallÓ and ÒHenry Britain MarshallÓ are all entered under ÒMarshall, Henry
BrittonÓ in the index. (It is
still a good idea, however, to search under variant spellings.) This might cause some confusion,
as the name appearing in the index might not actually appear on the
referenced page. For example,
the user finding an index entry for ÒJackson, Thomas Jefferson,Ó upon
going to the referenced page might see ÒT. J. Jackson,Ó ÒTom Jackson,Ó or
even ÒUncle Jeff.Ó Again, I
have made every effort to use the most generally accepted correct and
complete form of a personÕs name.
- Likewise, an attempt has been made to consolidate
index entries for women under either their maiden or married names and to
avoid using both, despite which version of the name appears in the actual
article. It is best for the
user to search under both names, however.
- In cases where more than one person has the same
name, I have tried to distinguish among them by adding birth years or
other data after names. Thus, there are entries for ÒJackson, Henry J.
(b.1813)Ó and ÒJackson, Henry J. (b.1865),Ó etc. When more than one person
shared a common name and I could not distinguish among them, the entries
have been consolidated. So, while there are entries for a number of John
Jacksons, separated by birth date, there is also a single catch-all entry
for all those which could not be conclusively matched with others of that
- Article authors are included in the index.
- For the most part, historical figures (e.g.,
kings, presidents) are not indexed, except when their actions directly
affected the Jackson-Cummins family.
- Names of families, schools, churches and
cemeteries are indexed where noteworthy; otherwise, only individuals, not
topical subjects, are indexed.
- In some of the early issues, the cover was not
counted in pagination. These
covers are designated as ÒCÓ in the index. An entry for 4(2): C is for the cover of volume 4, number 2.
- Likewise, at least one issue contains an
unnumbered introductory page.
Such pages have been given designations such as Òi,Ó Òii,Ó etc.
- Of the thousands of entries contained in this
index, there are doubtlessly a number that contain errors. I hope these will be brought to my
attention if/when they are discovered.
Back Issues of
Brigade Express Newsletter (vols. 1-8)
Jackson Brigade Quarterly (Vols. 9- )
issue of Volumes 1 through 8 is available at a cost of $2.50 per copy, which
includes the cost of shipping and handling. Issues from Volume 9 to present are available for $3.75 per
copy, also including shipping and handling. If an issue is out of stock, a photocopy will be made and
mailed. Orders should be
accompanied by check or money order made payable to Jackson Brigade and mailed
in care of Nancy A. Jackson — 507 Haymond Highway — Clarksburg, WV
26301. Please do not send
cash through the mail.
regarding back issues and other matters may also be directed to Nancy at the
address given above. For non-order
requests, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
order, please use the form below.
Prices are subject to change.