Jackson Brigade, Inc.

Dan's Impressions of Jackson Reunion 2004
Jackson Reunion Banquet
at Jackson Memorial Park Community Building, Vienna, WV
Sunday Night August 7, 2004

Jackson Reunion participants converse before banquet meal

Tim Jackson and Dr. Allen on right

Jackson Reunion people converse before our Banquet meal

Jim Jackson and Robert Jackson

Nancy Jackson, president of Jackson Brigade, sitting opposite of Dr. Allen

Jim Jackson chats with Mary Jane and Scott Hyde

Jackson Reunion people converse before our Banquet meal

Jackson Reunion people converse before our Banquet meal

The dishes of Banquet food [photo by Mary Jane Hyde]

Mary Love and Hoyt Berryman at the buffet

The dessert table

Roy Michell with his meal

John M. Jackson at a light moment

Mary Jane Hyde

Nancy Jackson, the President of Jackson Brigade, asks the officers to the front to be recongnized.
Left to right: Nancy; Linda Brake Meyers, Treasurer; Dan Hyde, Web Master; John M. Jackson, Publications Editor; John C. Jackson, Vice President; Ann Fissel, Secretary; not present Katy Williams, Member-at-Large . [Photo by Scott Hyde]

John M. Jackson and Ann Fissel were Co-chairs of the Reunion.

Some of the Jackson Brigade Officers and Diane Williams taking pictures [Photo by Scott Hyde]

Jackson Brigade Officers - Nancy, Linda, Dan, John M., John C. and Ann [Photo by Scott Hyde]

Jackson Brigade Officers - Nancy, Linda, Dan, John M., John C. and Ann [Photo by Scott Hyde]

Nancy gives her "President's Awards" to Linda, Dan and John M.
[Photo by Mary Jane Hyde]

John C. Jackson was Master of Ceremonies after the meal

John C. Jackson was "Johnny Reb" as he introduces General Stonewall Jackson
in the person of George Moor

General Stonewall Jackson in the person of George Moor

George Moor describes the four uniforms General Stonewall Jackson wore
[Photo taken by Scott Hyde]

Chester Pribble and General Stonewall Jackson in the person of George Moor

Connie Bookman entertains us with fiddle tunes

Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update August 10, 2004

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Copyright © 2004
Jackson Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303