Jackson Brigade, Inc.

Dan's Impressions of Jackson Reunion 2004
Tour of Blennerhassett Mansion, Blennerhassett Island, Parkersburg, WV
Sunday Afternoon August 8, 2004

Sign on Island near loading dock

The reconstructed Blennerhassett Mansion built in the 1980s.
The original mansion was built circa 1800 and burned to the ground in 1811.

View showing the symmetry in the three parts of the Blennerhassett Mansion
[Photo by Scott Hyde]

Closeup of the kitchen on the left side

Entrance way in the center part of the Mansion.
Dr. Ray Swick, sitting on the stairs, gave us a very informative tour.

Chandelier in front entrance way [Photo by Scott Hyde]

Trim over doorway on second floor

Wood paneled library

Dining room

Another shot of dining room [Photo by Scott Hyde]

The hearth in the kitchen

In the kitchen. Notice the green apple trim.

Over the hearth [Photo by Scott Hyde]

Closeup of horn over the hearth

For more information on the Mansion and its history, see the web pages at



Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update August 10, 2004

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Copyright © 2004
Jackson Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303