Fitting problem 3

This is a linear model. (It is not a linear function of $x$, but the model is linear in the fit parameters $a_1$ and $a_2$.)

The data for this problem is available in the file fit_3.dat which can be downloaded from One option is to download the data file to a local directory, and then import it using np.loadtxt(). Another option is to look download it directly into the Jupyter notebook. I will use the second option here.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

import urllib    # for importing data from URL

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
# Following is an Ipython magic command that puts figures in notebook.
%matplotlib notebook
#for making pdf-file of this notebook, use instead following line
#%matplotlib inline
# M.L. modification of matplotlib defaults
# Changes can also be put in matplotlibrc file, 
# or effected using mpl.rcParams[]'classic')
plt.rc('figure', figsize = (6, 4.5)) # Reduces overall size of figures
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=16, titlesize=14)
plt.rc('figure', autolayout = True) # Adjusts supblot params for new size

Options for getting data into notebook

  • Start by downloading the data files into the working directory. The np.loadtxt function imports the content of the data file into a numpy array. The unpack = 'True' option transposes the array so that each column is in a separate array.
  • Download directly from a URL
In [3]:
def f(x, a1, a2):
    '''Linear model function with adjustable parameters a1 and a2'''
    return a1*np.sin(2.*np.pi*x)+ a2*np.sin(4.*np.pi*x)
In [4]:
g = urllib.request.urlopen('')
data = np.loadtxt(g)

x, y, u = data.T
In [5]:
#Uncomment to look at the data.

(a) Is the suspected relationship relationship between $x$ and $y$ a linear model, or a nonlinear model?

\begin{equation} y=f(x)=a_1 \, \sin(2 \pi x) + a_2 \, \sin(4 \pi x) \end{equation}

This is a linear model. (It is not a linear function of 𝑥 , but the model is linear in the fit parameters $a_1$ and $a_2$.)

(b) Perform a fit to these data using the generic optimize.curve_fit routine from scipy that we demonstrated in class, using the assumed functional form shown above.

Perform fit

In [6]:
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(f, x, y, sigma=u, absolute_sigma=True)
print(popt)  # best fit parameters
print(pcov)  # covariance matrix
for i in range(len(pcov)):
    print(np.sqrt(pcov[i,i])) # uncertanties in fit parameters
[1.96501629 0.87923822]
[[6.39999997e-03 1.10687288e-11]
 [1.10687288e-11 6.39999999e-03]]


$a_1 = 1.96 \pm 0.08\quad\quad\mbox{and}\quad\quad a_2 = 0.88 \pm 0.08$

In [7]:
xc = np.linspace(0,1,101)
yc = f(xc,*popt)
plt.axhline(0, color='k')
plt.axvline(0, color='k');

(c) Plot your residuals.


In [8]:
r = y - f(x,*popt)
r_norm = r/u
In [9]:
plt.errorbar(x,r,u, fmt = 'ko')
plt.ylabel('residuals  ($y_i - f(x_i)$')
plt.ylabel('residuals ($y_i - f(x_i)$)')
plt.xlim(-0.1, 1.1);

(d) Determine the goodness-of-fit parameter $\chi^2$ for this data set and model.

Goodness of fit

$$ \chi^2 = \sum_i\left(\frac{y_i - y(x_i)}{\alpha_i}\right)^2 $$

In [10]:
chi2 = np.sum(r_norm**2)  # Chi-square
chi2_nu = chi2/(len(r)-2) # reduced chi-square
print(chi2, chi2_nu, len(r))
36.61459756007561 0.7472366848995022 51

(e) Given your analysis, does your fit to the data appear to be reasonable? Comment briefly. & (f) What are your resultant values for $a_1$ and $a_2$? (Include uncertainties.)

The goodness of fit parameter $\chi^2$ is less than the number of data points (but not much less), or, equivalently the reduced chi-square $\chi^2_\nu$ is less than 1 (but not much less than one), so the data is consistent with the assumed model. Also, in Fig.2 the residuals fluctuate around $0$ and show no systematic dependence on $x$.

Therefore we can use the best-fit parameters found above:

$$ a_1 = 1.96 \pm 0.08\quad\quad \mbox{and}\quad\quad a_2 = 0.88 \pm 0.08 $$

Version information

version_information is from J.R. Johansson (jrjohansson at; see Introduction to scientific computing with Python for more information and instructions for package installation.

version_information is installed on the linux network at Bucknell

In [11]:
%load_ext version_information
In [12]:
version_information numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Python3.7.8 64bit [GCC 7.5.0]
OSLinux 3.10.0 1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 with centos 7.9.2009 Core
Thu Feb 10 10:42:42 2022 EST
In [ ]: