// Example 5.16. Program to test money class #include #include "money.h" int main(void) { money MyAmount(27, 33); money YourAmount(10.125); cout << "My amount of money is $"; MyAmount.display(); cout << ", and your amount of money is $"; YourAmount.display(); cout << ".\n"; cout << "I have " << MyAmount.quotient(YourAmount) << " times as much money as you have.\n"; MyAmount.AddTo(YourAmount); cout << "If I get an amount equal to yours, I now have $"; MyAmount.display(); cout << ".\n"; MyAmount.MultiplyBy(1.06); cout << "If 1.06 is multiplied by my money, I now have $"; MyAmount.display(); cout << ".\n"; cout << "My amount of money is "; if (MyAmount.LessThan(YourAmount)) cout << "less than yours.\n"; else cout << "more than yours.\n"; cout << "My amount of money is "; if (MyAmount.EqualTo(YourAmount)) cout << "equal to yours.\n"; else cout << "not equal to yours.\n"; MyAmount.AssignMoney(594, 25); cout << "After reassigning money, I have $"; MyAmount.display(); YourAmount.AssignMoney(4932.286); cout << ", and you have $"; YourAmount.display(); cout << ".\n"; return 0; }