// import Counters.MoneyRegister; public class MoneyRegisterDemonstration { public static void main( String argv[]) { MoneyRegister demoRegister = new MoneyRegister( 100.00); System.out.println( "\n\t\t Cash Register demonstration \n"); System.out.print( "The Cash Register has been created "); System.out.println( "with a cash float of 100.00"); System.out.println( "\nDepositing 5:00, 4.56 and 8.93"); demoRegister.deposit( 5.00); demoRegister.deposit( 4.56); demoRegister.deposit( 8.93); System.out.println( "\n The state of the register is ..."); System.out.println( demoRegister); } // End main } // End MoneyRegisterDemonstration