// Source code example for "A Practical Introduction // to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" // by Clifford A. Shaffer, Prentice Hall, 1998. // Copyright 1998 by Clifford A. Shaffer import java.io.*; // A simple test driver for the SkipList class public class Skipmain { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { SkipList dum = new SkipList(); dum.insert(new IElem(10)); dum.print(); dum.insert(new IElem(5)); dum.print(); dum.insert(new IElem(20)); dum.print(); System.out.println("Search for 10: " + dum.search(10)); System.out.println("Search for 15: " + dum.search(15)); System.out.println("Search for 20: " + dum.search(20)); System.out.println("Search for 25: " + dum.search(25)); System.in.read(); } }