/* sort_3.c -- level 3 version of sort program * 2. Add fake Get_list_size * 2. Return scalars in Allocate_list * 2. Add fake Get_local_keys * 3. Definition of Redistribute keys. * 3. Finish Allocate_list. * 3. Add Insert. * 3. Add Local_sort. * 3. Add Print_list. * * Input: none * Output: messages indicating flow of control and contents of * local lists. * * Note: Doesn't call Redistribute_keys. * * See Chap 10, pp. 226 & ff, esp. pp. 232 & ff., in PPMPI. */ #include #include #include "mpi.h" #include "../chap08/cio.h" #include "sort_3.h" int p; int my_rank; MPI_Comm io_comm; /*********************************************************************/ main(int argc, char* argv[]) { LOCAL_LIST_T local_keys; int list_size; int error; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank); MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &io_comm); Cache_io_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, io_comm); list_size = Get_list_size(); /* Return negative if Allocate failed */ error = Allocate_list(list_size, &local_keys); if (error < 0) { printf("Process %d > Can't allocate list\n", my_rank); printf("Process %d > Quitting\n", my_rank); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1); } Get_local_keys(&local_keys); Print_list(io_comm, &local_keys); /* Redistribute_keys(&local_keys); */ Local_sort(&local_keys); Print_list(io_comm, &local_keys); MPI_Finalize(); } /* main */ /*********************************************************************/ int Get_list_size(void) { Cprintf(io_comm,"","%s","In Get_list_size"); return 5*p; } /* Get_list_size */ /*********************************************************************/ /* Return value negative indicates failure */ int Allocate_list( int list_size /* in */, LOCAL_LIST_T* local_keys /* out */) { List_allocated_size(local_keys) = list_size/p; List_size(local_keys) = list_size/p; List(local_keys) = (KEY_T*) malloc(List_allocated_size(local_keys)*sizeof(KEY_T)); if (List(local_keys) == (KEY_T*) NULL) return -1; else return 0; } /* Allocate_list */ /*********************************************************************/ void Get_local_keys(LOCAL_LIST_T* local_keys) { int i; /* Seed the generator */ srand(my_rank); for (i = 0; i < List_size(local_keys); i++) Insert_key(rand() % KEY_MOD, i, local_keys); } /* Get_local_keys */ /*********************************************************************/ void Insert_key(KEY_T key, int i, LOCAL_LIST_T* local_keys) { List_key(local_keys, i) = key; } /* Insert_key */ /*********************************************************************/ void Redistribute_keys( LOCAL_LIST_T* local_keys /* in/out */) { int new_list_size, i, error = 0; int* send_counts; int* send_displacements; int* recv_counts; int* recv_displacements; KEY_T* new_keys; /* Allocate space for the counts and displacements */ send_counts = (int*) malloc(p*sizeof(int)); send_displacements = (int*) malloc(p*sizeof(int)); recv_counts = (int*) malloc(p*sizeof(int)); recv_displacements = (int*) malloc(p*sizeof(int)); Local_sort(local_keys); Find_alltoall_send_params(local_keys, send_counts, send_displacements); /* Distribute the counts */ MPI_Alltoall(send_counts, 1, MPI_INT, recv_counts, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* Allocate space for new list */ new_list_size = recv_counts[0]; for (i = 1; i < p; i++) new_list_size += recv_counts[i]; new_keys = (KEY_T*) malloc(new_list_size*sizeof(KEY_T)); Find_recv_displacements(recv_counts, recv_displacements); /* Exchange the keys */ MPI_Alltoallv(List(local_keys), send_counts, send_displacements, key_mpi_t, new_keys, recv_counts, recv_displacements, key_mpi_t, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* Replace old list with new list */ List_free(local_keys); List_allocated_size(local_keys) = new_list_size; List_size(local_keys) = new_list_size; List(local_keys) = new_keys; /* Free temporary storage */ free(send_counts); free(send_displacements); free(recv_counts); free(recv_displacements); } /* Redistribute_keys */ /*********************************************************************/ void Find_alltoall_send_params(LOCAL_LIST_T* local_keys, int send_counts[], int send_displacements[]) { } /* Find_alltoall_send_params */ /*********************************************************************/ void Find_recv_displacements(int recv_counts[], int recv_displacements[]) { } /*********************************************************************/ void Local_sort(LOCAL_LIST_T* local_keys) { qsort(List(local_keys), List_size(local_keys), sizeof(KEY_T), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))(Key_compare)); } /* Local_sort */ /*********************************************************************/ int Key_compare(const KEY_T* p, const KEY_T* q) { if (*p < *q) return -1; else if (*p == *q) return 0; else /* *p > *q */ return 1; } /* Key_compare */ /*********************************************************************/ void Print_list(MPI_Comm io_comm, LOCAL_LIST_T* local_keys) { char list_string[LIST_BUF_SIZE]; char key_string[MAX_KEY_STRING]; int i; list_string[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < List_size(local_keys); i++) { sprintf(key_string,"%d ", List_key(local_keys,i)); strcat(list_string, key_string); } Cprintf(io_comm,"Contents of the list", "%s", list_string); } /* Print_list */