/* recursive_dfs.c -- serial recursive depth-first search. Generates * a random tree and uses recursive depth-first search to visit * the nodes in the tree and find the leaf node with minimum * value. * * Input: * max_depth: the maximum depth of a node in the tree. * * Output: * 1. The tree * 2. A list of the nodes visited by depth-first search * 3. The value of the minimum node. * * Algorithm: * 1. Get max_depth * 2. Set each entry in array storing tree to NULL * 3. Recursive function Generate_tree uses rand function * to generate random tree. * 4. Use recursive depth-first search to find leaf with * minimum value. * 5. Print minimum value. * * Data structures: * The tree is a statically allocated array of pointers to * TREE_NODE_T. Each tree node has a value -- a randomly * generated int with the property that the value assigned * to a parent is less than the value assigned to each of * its children. Each tree node also stores the subscript of * its parent (-1 for root), its depth, the number of its * children, and subscripts of children. The type NODE_T is * the subscript of the node in the tree array. * * Notes: * 1. MAX_NODES (the maximum number of nodes in a tree) should be * chosen so that it's at least as large as * 1 - c^(d+1) * -------- * 1 - c * where c = MAX_CHILDREN and d = max_depth * 2. The array storing the tree, and the current "best solution" * are global. * * See Chap. 14, pp. 324 & ff., in PPMPI. */ #include #include #define MAX_CHILDREN 3 #define MAX_NODES 1093 #define MAX_VALUE 1024 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 typedef struct { int value; int parent; int depth; int child_count; int children[MAX_CHILDREN]; } TREE_NODE_T; typedef TREE_NODE_T* TREE_T[MAX_NODES]; #define Child(tree, node, i) ((tree)[(node)]->children[(i)]) #define Parent(tree, node) ((tree)[(node)]->parent) #define Depth(tree, node) ((tree)[(node)]->depth) #define Value(tree, node) ((tree)[(node)]->value) #define Child_count(tree,node) ((tree)[(node)]->child_count) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef int NODE_T; /* Just the index of the node in the tree */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* GLOBALS */ int best_solution; TREE_T tree; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Initialize_tree(TREE_T tree, int max_nodes); void Generate_tree(TREE_T tree, int max_depth, int* node_count, int parent_depth, int parent); void Alloc_node(TREE_T tree, int node); void Print_tree(TREE_T tree, int node_count); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Dfs_recursive(NODE_T node); void Expand(NODE_T node, NODE_T child_list[], int* num_children); int Solution(NODE_T node); int Evaluate(NODE_T node); int Feasible(NODE_T node); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********************************************************************/ main() { int max_depth; int max_nodes = MAX_NODES; int node_count; printf("What's the maximum depth of a node?\n"); scanf("%d", &max_depth); Initialize_tree(tree, max_nodes); node_count = 0; /* "-1" indicates node being generated is the root */ Generate_tree(tree, max_depth, &node_count, -1, -1); Print_tree(tree, node_count); best_solution = 2*MAX_VALUE; Dfs_recursive(0); printf("The best solution is %d\n", best_solution); } /* main */ /********************************************************************/ void Initialize_tree( TREE_T tree /* out */, int max_nodes /* in */) { int i; for (i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++) tree[i] = (TREE_NODE_T*) NULL; } /* Initialize_tree */ /********************************************************************/ /* Adds current value in *node_count to tree */ void Generate_tree( TREE_T tree /* out */, int max_depth /* in */, int* node_count /* in/out */, int parent_depth /* in */, int parent /* in */) { int i = 0; int node = *node_count; Alloc_node(tree, node); Depth(tree,node) = parent_depth+1; if (parent == -1) Value(tree,node) = rand() % MAX_VALUE; else Value(tree,node) = (rand() % (MAX_VALUE/(1 << Depth(tree,node)))) + Value(tree, parent); Parent(tree,node) = parent; if (Depth(tree,node) != max_depth) { while ( (i < MAX_CHILDREN) && (rand() % MAX_CHILDREN) ) { *node_count = *node_count + 1; Child_count(tree,node) = Child_count(tree,node)+1; Child(tree, node, i) = *node_count; Generate_tree(tree, max_depth, node_count, Depth(tree,node), node); i++; } /* while */ } /* if */ if (node == 0) *node_count = *node_count + 1; } /* Generate_tree */ /********************************************************************/ void Alloc_node( TREE_T tree /* in/out */, int node /* in */) { int i; tree[node] = (TREE_NODE_T*) malloc(sizeof(TREE_NODE_T)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHILDREN; i++) Child(tree, node, i) = -1; Child_count(tree, node) = 0; } /* Alloc_node */ /********************************************************************/ void Print_tree( TREE_T tree /* in */, int node_count /* in */) { int node, i; printf("node_count = %d\n", node_count); for (node = 0; node < node_count; node++) { printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Node = %d, Value = %d\n", node, Value(tree, node)); printf("Parent = %d, Depth = %d, Child_count = %d\n", Parent(tree,node), Depth(tree,node), Child_count(tree,node)); printf("Children = "); for (i = 0; i < Child_count(tree, node); i++) printf("%d ",Child(tree,node,i)); printf("\n"); } printf("---------------------------------------------------\n"); } /* Print_tree */ /********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ void Dfs_recursive( NODE_T node /* in */) { int i; int num_children; NODE_T child_list[MAX_CHILDREN]; printf("Visiting Node %d\n", node); Expand(node, child_list, &num_children); for (i = 0; i < num_children; i++) if (Solution(child_list[i])) { if (Evaluate(child_list[i]) < best_solution) best_solution = Evaluate(child_list[i]); } else if (Feasible(child_list[i])) { Dfs_recursive(child_list[i]); } } /* Dfs_recursive */ /********************************************************************/ void Expand( NODE_T node /* in */, NODE_T child_list[] /* out */, int* num_children /* out */) { int i; *num_children = Child_count(tree, node); for (i = 0; i < *num_children; i++) child_list[i] = Child(tree,node,i); } /* Expand */ /********************************************************************/ /* A solution node has no children */ int Solution( NODE_T node /* in */) { if (Child_count(tree,node) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /* Solution */ /********************************************************************/ int Evaluate( NODE_T node /* in */) { return Value(tree,node); } /* Evaluate */ /********************************************************************/ int Feasible(NODE_T node) { if (Value(tree,node) < best_solution) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /* Feasible */