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CSCI 6356 Fall 2000
Xiannong Meng Research Paper
Assigned: Thursday October 26, 2000 Due: Thursday December 7, 2000
   Presentation: Thursday November 23, 2000


You are asked to write a research paper on a topic related to parallel computing. In this assignment, you have to write a paper first, then present the paper to the class towards the end of the semester (November 23, 2000). The paper has to be written in a clear, readable, and commonly accepted format. Please consult books of styles listed at the end of this assignment when needed. The presentation will be oral. Though not required, you may use any visual aid you want, such as transparency, or software such as Microsoft PowerPoint.

Select a Topic

There are many different topics you may choose. General guideline is to select something you feel interesting, or something you would encounter in your work. Possible topics include, but not limited to, parallel computing software such as MPI, PVM, parallel programming language such as Linda, CC++, parallel algorithms such as parallel sorting, parallel search, parallel computers, parallel computing applications such as ray tracing, heat transfer, weather forecasting etc. You may propose other topics. If you are not quite sure what to select, please talk to the instructor. In general, you can choose one of the two types of paper to write. The first type of paper will be a general survey, for example, a general survey of different implementations of MPI. The second type of paper can be problem specific, for example, issues related parallel ray tracing such as algorithm, implementation, performance. If you would like, you can write a paper about your own experience.

General Process

To write a good paper, you need to do research before any writing. Deciding a topic is the first step. Once a topic is selected, you can search for literature, collect information, read papers, books, magazines, on-line information, then digest them, then start writing the draft paper. Once a draft paper is written, have someone else read it and solicit comments from other readers. Then you need to revise and finalize the paper.

You should keep in mind that the target readers of your paper is someone in computer science, but not necessarily knowing computer network in details. Your task is to present the topic that you have been researching in a way that these target readers will be able to understand. There is no limit on the paper length. However, you do need to follow general writing guideline of any research paper.

Resources Available

The following are the lists of possible resources in various areas.

Books Related To Parallel Computing

  1. Parallel Programming - Techniques and applications using networked workstations and parallel computers by Barry Wilkinson and Michael Allen, Prentice Hall, 1999.
  2. Introduction to Parallel Computing - Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Vipin Kumar, Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, and George Karypis, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, 1994
  3. Parallel Programming with MPI by Peter Pacheco, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1997
  4. Design and Building Parallel Programs by Ian Foster, Addison Wesley Publishing, 1995
  5. Parallel Computation - Models and Methods by Selim G. Akl, Prentice Hall, 1997
  6. An Introduction to Parallel Programming by K. Mani Chandy and Stephen Taylor, Jones and Bartlett Publisher, 1992
  7. Parallel Computing by Lou Baker and Bradley J. Smith, McGraw Hill, 1996
  8. In Search of Clusters by Gregory F. Pfister, Prentice Hall, 1998
  9. High Performance Computing by Gary W. Sabot, Addison Wesley, 1995
  10. Parallel Computing - Theory and Practice by Michael J. Quinn, 1994

Related Magazines and Journals

  1. IEEE Concurrency
  2. IEEE Transactions on Parallel And Distributed Systems
  3. IEEE Computational Science & Engineering

World Wide Web Sites

Check the course web site at <>, and do a search for ``parallel computing'' on any of the Internet search engine.

Writing Styles

  1. The Chicago Manual of Style, 12th Edition, University of Chicago Press, 1982
  2. Marsha H. Cummins and Carole Slade, Writing The Research Paper, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1979
  3. Scientific Writing for Graduate Students, edited by F. Peter Woodford, Council of Biology Editors, 1968
  4. CBE Style Manual, Fifth Edition, Council of Biology Editors, Inc. 1983
  5. Barbara Lenmark Ellis, How To Write Themes Term Papers and College Autobiographies, Barron's Educational Series, Inc. 1971
  6. Richard Charnigo, From Sources to Citation, Happer Collins College Publishers, 1996

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Xiannong Meng
Thu Oct 26 14:28:06 CDT 2000