import java.lang.*; import*; import java.util.*; /** Written by Erik Peterson erik AT Last modified Jan. 13, 2004 Downloaded from on 05/16/2013 x. meng usage: java Segmenter [-b|-g|-8] input.txt input1.txt input2.txt ... the output is saved in input.txt.seg the program depends on the data files in the directory of ./data/ sforeign_u8.txt snumbers_u8.txt tforeign_u8.txt tnumbers_u8.txt snotname_u8.txt ssurname_u8.txt tnotname_u8.txt tsurname_u8.txt The program also depends on three files in the current directory bothlexu8.txt simplexu8.txt tradlexu8.txt Reviseion: (05-19-2013) a) Added a PostingList structure (termList) so an inverse index system is built. The list is not sorted. b) Added most of the Java doc style comments */ public class Segmenter { /** *

Comments by X. Meng to help understand how the system works.



* *

The method segmentFile() takes a file name, reads the contents, * segments the content into phrases, and builds a inverse index * system.

* *

The basic idea is to read first a collection of phrases (zhwords, * I believe) which are to be used as the basis of parsing. The * input files are then read and parsed one at a time based on * the phrases established in zhwords. As each phrase is extracted * from the input file, it also is added to the posting list * which is added to this class by X. Meng so a search can be * performed as needed.

*/ // Known Chinese phrases private TreeMap zhwords; // Known Chinese names, numbers, and other well-know entities private TreeSet csurname, cforeign, cnumbers, cnotname; private String debugencoding; // Inverse term list, each team is associated with a posting list private PostingList termList; private boolean debug; // the current document with which the segmenter is working public String currentDocName; // Char form public final static int TRAD = 0; public final static int SIMP = 1; public final static int BOTH = 2; // Charform is TRAD, SIMP or BOTH public Segmenter(int charform, boolean loadwordfile) { debug = false; debugencoding = "UTF-8"; int count = 0; //int treelevel; csurname = new TreeSet(); cforeign = new TreeSet(); cnumbers = new TreeSet(); cnotname = new TreeSet(); if (charform == SIMP) { loadset(cnumbers, "data/snumbers_u8.txt"); loadset(cforeign, "data/sforeign_u8.txt"); loadset(csurname, "data/ssurname_u8.txt"); loadset(cnotname, "data/snotname_u8.txt"); } else if (charform == TRAD) { loadset(cnumbers, "data/tnumbers_u8.txt"); loadset(cforeign, "data/tforeign_u8.txt"); loadset(csurname, "data/tsurname_u8.txt"); loadset(cnotname, "data/tnotname_u8.txt"); } else { // BOTH loadset(cnumbers, "data/snumbers_u8.txt"); loadset(cforeign, "data/sforeign_u8.txt"); loadset(csurname, "data/ssurname_u8.txt"); loadset(cnotname, "data/snotname_u8.txt"); loadset(cnumbers, "data/tnumbers_u8.txt"); loadset(cforeign, "data/tforeign_u8.txt"); loadset(csurname, "data/tsurname_u8.txt"); loadset(cnotname, "data/tnotname_u8.txt"); } //zhwords = new Hashtable(120000); zhwords = new TreeMap(); if (!loadwordfile) { return; } String newword = null; /* * simplexu8.txt contains 119,803 phrases * tradlexu8.txt contains 119,769 phrases * bothlexu8.txt contains 196,215 phrases */ try { InputStream worddata = null; if (charform == SIMP) { worddata = getClass().getResourceAsStream("simplexu8.txt"); } else if (charform == TRAD) { worddata = getClass().getResourceAsStream("tradlexu8.txt"); } else if (charform == BOTH) { worddata = getClass().getResourceAsStream("bothlexu8.txt"); } BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(worddata, "UTF8")); while ((newword = in.readLine()) != null) { if (newword.indexOf("#") == -1) { addword(newword); if (debug && count++ % 20000 == 0) { System.err.println(count); } } } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IOException: "+e); } this.termList = new PostingList(); } /** *

Accessor for posting list

*/ public PostingList getTermList() { return this.termList; } /** *

Load a set of character data. By design, the method skips the * phrases starting with '#'

* * @param targetset Data structure storing the data * @param sourcefile Name of the data file */ private void loadset(TreeSet targetset, String sourcefile) { String dataline; try { InputStream setdata = getClass().getResourceAsStream(sourcefile); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(setdata, "UTF-8")); while ((dataline = in.readLine()) != null) { if ((dataline.indexOf("#") > -1) || (dataline.length() == 0)) { continue; } targetset.add(dataline); } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception loading data file" + sourcefile + " " + e); } } /** *

Check to see if a word is a number by examing all characters one * at a time. If any one character is not a Chinese number, a false * is returned, otherwise it is a number.

* * @param testword The word to examine * @return true if it is a number, false otherwise * */ public boolean isNumber(String testword) { boolean result = true; for (int i = 0; i < testword.length(); i++) { if (cnumbers.contains(testword.substring(i, i+1)) == false) { result = false; break; } } if (debug) { printDebug(testword + " " + result); } return result; } /** *

Check to see if a word contains all foreign characters * such as 耶 or 乃.

* * @param testword The word to examine * @return true if all characters in the word are foreign, false otherwise * */ public boolean isAllForeign(String testword) { boolean result = true; for (int i = 0; i < testword.length(); i++) { if (cforeign.contains(testword.substring(i, i+1)) == false) { result = false; break; } } return result; } /** *

Check to see if a word contains all non-CJK characters.

* * @param testword The word to examine * @return true if none of the characters are CJK , false otherwise * */ public boolean isNotCJK(String testword) { boolean result = true; for (int i = 0; i < testword.length(); i++) { if (Character.UnicodeBlock.of(testword.charAt(i)) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS) { result = false; break; } } return result; } /** *

Return the stem of a word.

* * @param word The original word * @return The stem of the word */ public String stemWord(String word) { String[] prefix = new String[] {"\u7b2c", "\u526f", "\u4e0d"}; String[] suffix = new String[] {"\u4e86", "\u7684", "\u5730", "\u4e0b", "\u4e0a", "\u4e2d", "\u91cc", "\u5230", "\u5185", "\u5916", "\u4eec"}; String[] infix = new String[] {"\u5f97", "\u4e0d"}; int i; StringBuffer unstemmed = new StringBuffer(word); for (i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) { if (unstemmed.substring(0, 1).equals(prefix[i]) == true && (zhwords.get(unstemmed.substring(1, unstemmed.length())) != null || unstemmed.length() == 2)) { //System.out.println("Stemmed prefix"); //try {System.out.println(new String(unstemmed.toString().getBytes(debugencoding)));} catch (Exception a) { }; unstemmed.deleteCharAt(0); return unstemmed.toString(); } } for (i = 0; i < suffix.length; i++) { if (unstemmed.substring(unstemmed.length()-1, unstemmed.length()).equals(suffix[i]) == true && (zhwords.get(unstemmed.substring(0, unstemmed.length()-1)) != null || unstemmed.length() == 2)) { System.out.println("Stemmed suffix"); try {System.out.println(new String(unstemmed.toString().getBytes(debugencoding)));} catch (Exception a) { }; unstemmed.deleteCharAt(unstemmed.length()-1); return unstemmed.toString(); } } for (i = 0; i < infix.length; i++) { if (unstemmed.length() == 3 && unstemmed.substring(1, 2).equals(infix[i]) == true && zhwords.get(new String(unstemmed.substring(0, 1) + unstemmed.substring(2, 3))) != null) { System.out.println("Stemmed infix"); unstemmed.deleteCharAt(1); return unstemmed.toString(); } } return unstemmed.toString(); } /** *

Takes a Chinese string, returns a string with separator * inserted between each Chinese word/phrase.

* * @param cline The input line of characters * @param separator The separator to be inserted between words * * @return The line of words with the separator inserted in between words */ public String segmentLine(String cline, String separator) { int[] boundaries = segmentLineOffsets(cline); StringBuffer clinebuffer = new StringBuffer(cline); int i, seplen = separator.length(); if (boundaries.length == 0) { return cline; } for (i = boundaries.length-2; i >= 0; i--) { if (boundaries[i] > 0 && i+boundaries[i] != cline.length() && cline.substring(i, i+seplen).equals(separator) == false && cline.substring(i+boundaries[i], i+boundaries[i]+seplen).equals(separator) == false) { clinebuffer.insert(i+boundaries[i], separator); String word = new String(cline.substring(i, i+boundaries[i])); // if ((isNumber(word) == false) ) // && (isAllForeign(word) == false)) System.out.println("word : " + word); int termIndex = this.termList.getTermIndex( word ); if (termIndex == -1) { // term not in the list yet this.termList.addTerm( word, this.currentDocName ); } else { // term has been in the list already this.termList.updateTerm( termIndex, this.currentDocName ); } } } return clinebuffer.toString(); } /** *

Return a list of indices where the word boundaries are.

* * @param cline Input line of words * @return A list of indices where the word boundaries are */ public LinkedList segmentLine(String cline) { int[] boundaries = segmentLineOffsets(cline); LinkedList offsets = new LinkedList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < boundaries.length; i++) { if (boundaries[i] > 0) { offsets.add(new Integer(i)); } } return offsets; } /** *

Return an array of integers which are the indices of * word boundaries in the input line.

* * @param cline The original line of words * @return An array of integers which are the indices of word boundaries */ public int[] segmentLineOffsets(String cline) { int i, j, tmpoffset; int clength = cline.length(); int[] offsets = new int[clength]; if (debug) System.out.println("Line length " + clength); // Handle Chinese & non-Chinese text; Group spaces, letters, punctuation, numbers if (debug) System.out.println("Grouping Chinese, letters, digits and spaces"); i = 0; while (i < clength) { if (debug) System.out.println("i " + i); if (Character.UnicodeBlock.of(cline.charAt(i)) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS) { j = 8; if (i+j > clength) { j = clength - i; } for (; i+j <= clength && j > 1; j--) { if (zhwords.containsKey(cline.substring(i, i+j))) { break; } } offsets[i] = j; i += j; } else if (Character.isWhitespace(cline.charAt(i))) { j=1; while (i+j < clength && Character.isWhitespace(cline.charAt(i+j))) { j++; } offsets[i] = j; i += j; } else if (Character.isLetter(cline.charAt(i))) { j=1; while (i+j < clength && Character.isLetter(cline.charAt(i+j))) { j++; } offsets[i] = j; i += j; } else if (Character.isDigit(cline.charAt(i))) { j=1; while (i+j < clength && Character.isDigit(cline.charAt(i+j))) { j++; } offsets[i] = j; i += j; } else { offsets[i] = 1; i++; } } if (debug) System.out.println("Grouping foreign transliterations"); // Add in foreign transliterations i = 0; while (i < clength) { if (offsets[i] > 0 ) { // Possibly a transliteration of a foreign name while (i+offsets[i] < clength && i+offsets[i]+offsets[i+offsets[i]] < clength && isAllForeign(cline.substring(i, i+offsets[i]+offsets[i+offsets[i]])) ) { tmpoffset = offsets[i+offsets[i]]; offsets[i+offsets[i]] = 0; offsets[i] = offsets[i] + tmpoffset; } } i++; } if (debug) System.out.println("Grouping numbers"); // Concatenate numbers i = 0; while (i < clength) { if (offsets[i] > 0) { // Add in numbers while (i+offsets[i] < clength && i+offsets[i]+offsets[i+offsets[i]] < clength && isNumber(cline.substring(i, i+offsets[i]+offsets[i+offsets[i]]))) { tmpoffset = offsets[i+offsets[i]]; offsets[i+offsets[i]] = 0; offsets[i] = offsets[i] + tmpoffset; } } i++; } /* if (debug) System.out.println("Grouping Chinese names"); // Group possible Chinese names together i = 0; while (i < clength) { if (offsets[i] == 1 && dictdata.isChineseSurname(cline.substring(i, i+offsets[i]))) { // Check for two syllable given name if (i+offsets[i] < clength && offsets[i+offsets[i]] == 1 && dictdata.isChinese(cline.substring(i, i+offsets[i])) && i+offsets[i]+offsets[i+offsets[i]] < clength && offsets[i+offsets[i] + offsets[i+offsets[i]]] == 1 && dictdata.isChinese(cline.substring(i+offsets[i], i+offsets[i]+offsets[i+offsets[i]]))) { offsets[i+offsets[i]] = 0; offsets[i+offsets[i] + offsets[i+offsets[i]]] = 0; offsets[i] = 3; } // Check for one syllable given name else if (i+offsets[i] < clength && offsets[i+offsets[i]] == 1 && dictdata.isChinese(cline.substring(i, i+offsets[i]))) { offsets[i+offsets[i]] = 0; offsets[i] = 2; } } i++; } */ return offsets; } /** *

Add a word (phrase) to the phrase list.

* * @param newword The word to be added */ public void addword(String newword) { int i; zhwords.put(newword, "1"); } /** *

Break the input file into known Chinese phrases (words).

* * @param inputfile The name of the input file * @param encoding The encoding used for the input file */ public void segmentFile(String inputfile, String encoding) { byte[] gbbytes; String outfile = inputfile + ".seg"; String segstring; boolean debug = false; try { String dataline; InputStream srcdata = new FileInputStream(inputfile); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(srcdata, encoding)); BufferedWriter outbuffer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outfile), encoding)); while ((dataline = in.readLine()) != null) { segstring = segmentLine(dataline, " "); if (debug) { gbbytes = segstring.getBytes(encoding); System.err.println("Output: " + new String(gbbytes)); } outbuffer.write(segstring); // debug: print to screen // System.out.println(segstring); outbuffer.newLine(); } in.close(); outbuffer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception " + e.toString()); } } /** *

Print debug information for a given message.

* * @param debuginfo Debug message */ public void printDebug(String debuginfo) { try { System.out.println(new String(debuginfo.getBytes(debugencoding))); } catch (Exception a) { a.printStackTrace(); } } /** *

Print help information

*/ public static void printHelp() { System.out.println("Usage:\njava -jar segmenter.jar [-b|-g|-8|-s|-t] inputfile.txt"); System.out.println("\t-b Big5, -g GB2312, -8 UTF-8, -s simp. chars, -t trad. chars"); System.out.println(" Segmented text will be saved to inputfile.txt.seg"); System.exit(0); } public static void main(String[] argv) { Vector inputfiles = new Vector() ; String encoding = "BIG5"; int charform = Segmenter.TRAD; boolean debug = false; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) { if (argv[i].equals("-b")) { if (debug) System.out.println("Setting to Big5, TRAD"); encoding = "BIG5"; charform = Segmenter.TRAD; } else if (argv[i].equals("-g")) { if (debug) System.out.println("Setting to GB, SIMP"); encoding = "GBK"; charform = Segmenter.SIMP; } else if (argv[i].equals("-8")) { encoding = "UTF8"; charform = Segmenter.BOTH; } else if (argv[i].equals("-s")) { if (debug) System.out.println("Setting to UTF-8 SIMP"); encoding = "UTF8"; charform = Segmenter.SIMP; } else if (argv[i].equals("-t")) { if (debug) System.out.println("Setting to UTF-8 TRAD"); encoding = "UTF8"; charform = Segmenter.TRAD; } else if (argv[i].equals("-h")) { printHelp(); } else if (argv[i].equals("-d")) { debug = true; } else { inputfiles.add(argv[i]); } } if (inputfiles.size() == 0) { System.out.println("ERROR: Please specify name of Chinese text file to segment.\n"); printHelp(); } System.err.println("Loading segmenter word list. One moment please."); Segmenter mainsegmenter = new Segmenter(charform, true); System.err.println("Total keys " + mainsegmenter.zhwords.size()); File tmpfile; String dirfiles[]; for (i = 0; i < inputfiles.size(); i++) { tmpfile = new File((String)inputfiles.get(i)); if (tmpfile.exists() == false) { System.out.println("ERROR: Source file " + (String)inputfiles.get(i) + " does not exist.\n"); continue; } if (tmpfile.isDirectory() == true) { dirfiles = tmpfile.list(); if (dirfiles != null) { for (j = 0; j < dirfiles.length; j++) { inputfiles.add((String)inputfiles.get(i) + File.separator + dirfiles[j]); } } continue; } System.err.println("Segmenting " + inputfiles.get(i) + " with encoding " + encoding); mainsegmenter.currentDocName = (String)inputfiles.get(i); mainsegmenter.segmentFile((String)inputfiles.get(i), encoding); System.out.println("Printing posting list ..."); System.out.println(mainsegmenter.getTermList()); } } }