Tentative Schedule

Spring 2014

This schedule is an outline what we plan to do. The details will evolve as we go.

The course schedule is aimed at a 36-hour course. The length of the course is thre weeks. The class will meet four times each week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each day we will meet for three class period, or about 150 minutes. The lecture hours may take the form of lectures, group discussions, project reviews, student presentations, and other teaching and learning activities.

The 36 lecture hours are tentatively divided into three content units, aiming at three classes per day and four days per week for three weeks.

Unit 1: Course introduction, Web search basics, Day 1 through Day 3

Unit 2: Essentials of information retrieval, Day 4 through Day 8

Unit 3: Selected topics, Day 10 and Day 11

The programming project and its related topics will be discussed throughout the lectures. We will use the textbook by Manning, Raghavan, and Schutze, Introduction to Information Retrieval published by Cambridge University Press in 2008, ISBN 978-0521-86571-5. The book is available on line at http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/information-retrieval-book.html

Class Date Topics & Lecture Notes Readings Work Due
Day 01 05/26 (Mon) Course Introduction, Project Introduction Ch 19, Project website
Day 02 05/27 (Tue) Web Search Architecture, Link Analysis,
PageRank and HITS
Ch 20, Ch 21, Papers
Day 03 05/28 (Wed) Web search history, programming: Java Script and PHP
Boolean Retrieval, Posting List
Papers, Ch 1, Ch2 Project Part 1: 11:59 p.m.
Day 04 05/30 (Fri) Index Construction, Compression Ch 4, Ch 5
Day 05 06/02 (Mon) Compression (continue) Papers
Day 06 06/03 (Tue) Vector Space Model
Term Weight, Ranking
Mid-term Exam
Ch 6, Ch 7 Project Part 2: 11:59 p.m.
Day 07 06/04 (Wed) Vector Space Model (continue)
Programming: Crawling
Ch 6, Ch 7, Paper
Day 08 06/06 (Fri) Search engine: Google, Data Centers Papers Project Part 3: 11:59 p.m.
Day 09 06/09 (Mon) System Evaluation, Relevance Feedback Ch 8, Ch 9
Day 10 06/10 (Tue) Text Classification, Vector Space Classification Ch 13, Ch 14 Project Part 4: 11:59 p.m.
Day 11 06/11 (Wed) Clustering
Final Exam
Ch 16, Ch 17
Day 12 06/13 Student Team Presentations
Team Presentation: 1:59 p.m.