Film Findr Pre-Proposal


There are dozens of movies released every year – far more than any single person (or even a group of people) can expect to keep up with. While there are websites such as IMDB that allow users to search for facts and information about movies, these sites do not also look for relationships between movies. Having access to such a database would provide both academics and film enthusiasts with a new resource for examining connections between movies – from the words in similar scenes to the colors that were used across a movie.

In such a system, a key feature is the ability to search and navigate easily. By including as many relations as possible for users to search on, we can guarantee that there will be a wealth of information that becomes available to them for analysis. Similarly, making it easy for users to navigate through the database (and even upload films that they wish to be able to analyze) will make the database more accessible and applicable to everyone. Both of these features will make the online database invaluable to anyone who has the desire to examine connections and parallels between different films.

Executive Summary

This project has already been started as a web application and that is certainly the best medium for it, due to the fact that it will provide the most people access on the most devices. At the moment, the data and search functionality are displayed through simple web pages, which could be brought more to life with a reactive interface that would better present the information pertinent to a user’s search, while still allowing them to view more information if desired. By removing visual pains of searching through the data, there is an increased chance of the tool being useful as desired.

There should also be a feature for uploading new movies, which would allow the server to automatically pull data from movie files (screenshots, subtitles, etc) and could even have the images taken analyzed by a computer-vision program to retrieve information such as objects in the image from them, allowing for more meaningful searches and relational matches. By automating the submission process, we would lower the work required to submit films to the system, making users more likely to submit films (thereby expanding the breadth of the database).

Viability Analysis

As with any cloud-hosted database, the cost of hosting will increase with the number of movies that are held in it. The images themselves would be the largest files, ranging from 2KB to 10KB after compression. Even with such compression, however, there will be cost constraints associated with the number of movies that can be held in the database while operating within a reasonable budget. Another constraint will come from the use of any sort of remote library for image analysis. The majority of libraries that will be able to successfully analyze the images for metadata in the database will have some cost associated with them (see the Google Vision API as an example). Finally, we may also wish to consider creating a local application that users could download for parsing movies so the size of files that have to be uploaded are drastically reduced in size.

Risks and Rewards

This project has one primary issue that comes with it, which is the legality of the use of movies. The movie industry is known for aggressively defending its copyrights and going after people for violating them. Because the database uses only screenshots, however, this hopefully should  not be an issue with fair use laws. Having users upload movies themselves might be another grey area legally, due to the sharing of content that (in most cases) was purchased for personal use. There is a good chance it would be safe under fair use, but it is certainly a grey area that must be examined and addressed if necessary. This would certainly need to be looked into.

The benefits of the project, on the other hand, are significant. Having access to a massive relational database of movies with extra metadata associated with them will allow film buffs and scholars to make connections between plots and scenes where they might have not been able to before. This could be a massive boon to the film studies field as it could provide insights that were never before considered.


The film database that is being created will certainly be a revolutionary tool for scholars and film buffs everywhere. To make it truly useful, however, it needs to have comprehensive search and uploading features that are accessible through a friendly and reactive interface, all of which this project will add to the database. All of our team members are very interested in furthering such a database’s accessibility, because there is such a wealth of information that such a project will add to the field of film studies, and we are excited by the possibilities that it could unleash.

Team Members

Eric Marshall

Cole Whitley

Stefano Cobelli

Andrew Capuano

Web Interface for Excurvant Pre-Proposal



In the modern world, everything we do can be shared with our friends, family, and acquaintances through the use of social media. This allows us to share ideas and thoughts seamlessly with those we care about. There currently is no good place, however, to discover, book, and share travel ideas. This is where Excursion finds its market. Creating a socially-interconnected travel platform would allow people to share their travel plans and ideas with their friends and family. Essential to such a system is an easy-to-use uploading feature and efficient backend. Thus, the true problem to be solved in this project is the creation and streamlining of a system that is friendly to users as well as quick and responsive.

Executive Summary

For Excurvant, as with any social platform, one of the most important features is accessibility to its users. Even further, in the modern world, smartphones and laptops are ubiquitous. The one application that is common to all of these devices is the web browser. Because this is an application that will need to be accessible on all sorts of devices, the clear choice for a platform is a web app, allowing any browser to use the application (therefore gaining the largest possible audience). As has been seen with previous social applications, one of the hardest parts of such a platform is gaining users.

To make it as easy as possible for someone to sign up, the application will allow users to authenticate through common social accounts, such as their existing Google or Facebook account. This will make it easy for new members to join and begin sharing with their friends/family. To create the necessary infrastructure for such a web app, we will need to create a backend (Node.JS was specified) that includes a server for the application itself, as well as a database for any trips and sharing relationships created by the application. This will allow the application to manage and track relationships between its users, perhaps even suggesting who they might like to share trips with or create a feed of users who have shared similar trips. On the UI side, we will need to design an interface that is fast and easy to use – most likely meaning that we will have to make several iterations of the user interface to improve on each iteration.

Viability Analysis

The tasks involved with this project are certainly attainable, but it is by no means a minor project. The design of a user interface alone is no small feat, and there will need to be a significant infrastructure put in place to handle the requests associated with a reactive web application.

The first task will be creating a server with which we can serve the necessary javascript and html for an application – this should be fairly quick to set up, however, we will also need to decide on and set up a database that is scalable for the application once it reaches full load which could take longer to do. Second, we would need to set up an API (Application Programming Interface) for communicating between the web application and server from a user’s browser. This will take a good deal longer as the use cases for the product will need to be flushed out and pathways designed/created to serve the application. The next major task would involve designing the user interface that can be then created in a given Javascript framework – this is almost guaranteed to be the longest and most involved as it will involve designing a user interface and iterating on each design to improve usability.

The project also calls for improving the user experience. Through classes we have taken at Bucknell (HCI, Mobile Development) and our own personal findings, we should be able to design a user interface that is practical, easy to use, and impactful.

Risks and Rewards

This is a unique application as there is currently no popular application that allows its users to plan and share trips with friends and family, which could aid people in the planning of future vacations and trips. On the other hand, as is true with any data-based application, it could open the users to potential theft if their trip data is gained by a malicious party, so any data must be kept securely wherever it is held, as well as transmitted in a secure fashion.

Another risk with this application that can be seen with essentially any social media app is that it would need to get a large following in order for it to have any value. This would involve large amounts of capital to fund marketing campaigns. While this is more of the customer’s problem, it is something to keep in mind when thinking about the viability and usefulness of what we build. If a working product is completed before the end of our senior year, the client might consider a closed test period with bucknell students.


This application could be absolutely revolutionary for the travel industry. It has become clear in recent years that there is a massive potential for any social application because it lets people integrate the platform into their lives, increasing its value to them. As such, the application has huge potential to gain a large following and user base, making it an extremely valuable idea.

Team Members

Eric Marshall

Cole Whitley

Stefano Cobelli

Andrew Capuano

Film Findr – Eric Marshall


There are dozens of movies released every year – far more than any single person (or even a group of people) can expect to keep up with. While there are websites such as IMDB that allow users to search for facts and information about movies, these sites do not also look for relationships between movies. Having access to such a database would provide both academics and film enthusiasts with a new resource for examining connections between movies – from the words in similar scenes to the colors that were used across a movie.

In such a system, a key feature is the ability to search and navigate easily. By including many possible relations for users to search on, we can guarantee that there will be a wealth of information that becomes available to them. Similarly, making it easy for users to navigate through the database (and even upload films that they wish to be able to analyze) will make the database more accessible and applicable to everyone. Both of these features will make the online database invaluable to anyone who has the desire to examine connections and parallels between different films.

Executive Summary

This project has already been started as a web application and that is certainly the best medium for it, due to the fact that it will provide the most people access on the most devices. At the moment, the data and search functionality are displayed through simple web pages, which could be brought more to life with a reactive interface that would better present the information pertinent to a user’s search, while still allowing them to view more information if desired.

There should also be a feature for uploading new movies, which would allow for the server to automatically pull data from movie files (screenshots, subtitles, etc) and could even have the images taken analyzed by a computer-vision program to retrieve information such as objects in the image from them, allowing for more meaningful searches and relational matches.

Viability Analysis

As with any cloud-hosted database, the cost of hosting will increase with the number of movies that are held in it. Thus, there will be cost constraints associated with the number of movies that can be held in the database while operating within a reasonable budget. Another constraint will come from any sort of remote library for image analysis. The majority of libraries that will be able to successfully analyze the images for metadata in the database will have some cost associated with them (see the Google Vision API as an example). Finally, for uploading we may also wish to consider creating a local application for parsing movies so the size of files that have to be uploaded are drastically reduced in size.

Risks and Rewards

This project has one primary legal exposure with it, involving the use of movies. The movie industry is known for aggressively defending its copyrights and going after people for violating them. Because the database uses only screenshots, however, this should not be an issue with fair use laws. The benefits, on the other hand are significant. Having access to a massive relational database of movies with extra metadata associated with them will allow film buffs and scholars to make connections where they might have not before.


The film database that is being created will certainly be a revolutionary tool for scholars and film buffs everywhere. To make it truly useful, however, it needs to have comprehensive search and uploading features that are accessible through a friendly and reactive interface, all of which this project will add to the database.

DataViz Emotion Capture – Eric Marshall


In the modern world, data is everything. From farming to space exploration, there are few industries that do not rely on large amounts of data, and furthermore the representation of large data visually. One of the most common places for consumers to find data visualizations, however, is in news articles. As data becomes an ever more important facet of life, more and more news organizations are delving into the realm of data visualization. At this point, with so many things being represented, however, there has been very little study done into the reactions people have emotionally to the data visualizations.

Using new libraries that involve webcams and other sensors, however, may allow for programs to read (and possibly adapt to) the reactions that users have to the data they are viewing. By incorporating such technology into web pages that contain visualizations, companies would be able to further understand how the data being portrayed is affecting their user base. There is currently no method for gathering and utilizing such data, however, leaving the space open to innovation.

Executive Summary

By far the most common place for consumers to run across data visualizations is on the web. As such, the most extensive platform to pull data from would be within a web-based library that could utilize the computer’s webcam to analyze the emotions of the user as they are viewing a webpage-based data visualization. Because the goal of the system is to be able to actively gauge whether the user is looking at a visualization and then examine their emotional reaction, it will have to know when the user is actually looking at the visualization and be able to recognize when the user’s gaze has shifted, so that it can stop collecting emotional data. This will keep the collection to only data that actually pertains to the desired state, and means that there does not have to be someone who will pull only relevant data after the fact.

Once the data is collected, there will be a suite of visualizations and analysis that can then be applied to that data, which will help news organizations to further understand the impact of their data representations and improve them both in the future and in real-time, allowing for more effective representations and displays. By giving such a tool to news organizations and companies, we will be enabling them to create more meaningful graphics and information in the future.

Viability Analysis

There are lots of issues that we will come across, the first of which will be recognizing the position that a user is examining on the screen and recognizing when it is or is not a data visualization. Another issue that will be run into will be the actual recognition of emotions through the sensors that are available, and to associate that emotion with the currently viewed data visualization. Finally, we will need to figure out how the data can be best put into other visualizations so that it can be utilized by news organizations.

Risks and Rewards

The first and foremost of the issues associated with this project are primarily involving the privacy of the subjects. So long as there is a camera fixed on them gathering data, there is the possibility of sacrificing the user’s privacy. As such, all data involved in the system must be encrypted. Another, slightly more worrying risk of this project is the potential for its use in emotional manipulation. Because news organizations would be privy to the emotional states of their users as they view given data visualizations, it would then be more possible for them to figure out how to manipulate their viewers, opening the door to ethical dilemmas.

The rewards that could come from this, however, could revolutionize the news and data visualization industries significantly. By being able to adapt how data is represented based on users’ emotional reactions, they could learn to represent data in ways that will more meaningfully convey the information it represents.


In designing a web library to analyze emotion we could potentially unlock a whole new level of personalized informational media – data visualizations could potentially be manipulated to normalize people’s emotions and allow for more neutral representations – paving the way for a world of better, more personal information

A Friendly Web Interface for Excurvant – Eric Marshall


In the modern world, everything we do can be shared with our friends, family, and acquaintances through the use of social media. This allows us to share ideas and thoughts seamlessly with those we care about. There currently is no good place, however, to discover, book, and share travel ideas. This is where Excursion finds its market. Creating a socially-interconnected travel platform would allow people to share their travel plans and ideas with their friends and family. Essential to such a system is an easy-to-use uploading feature and efficient backend. Thus, the true problem to be solved in this project is the creation and streamlining of a system that is friendly to users as well as quick and responsive.

Executive Summary

For Excurvant, as with any social platform, one of the most important features is accessibility to its users. Even further, in the modern world, smartphones and laptops are ubiquitous. The one application that is common to all of these devices is the web browser. Because this is an application that will need to be accessible on all sorts of devices, the clear choice for a platform is a web app, allowing any browser to use the application (therefore gaining the largest possible audience). As has been seen with previous social applications, one of the hardest parts of such a platform is gaining users. To make it as easy as possible for someone to sign up, the application will allow users to authenticate through common social accounts, such as their existing Google or Facebook account. This will make it easy for new members to join and begin sharing with their friends/family. To create the necessary infrastructure for such a web app, we will need to create a backend (Node.JS was specified) that includes a server for the application itself, as well as a database for any trips and sharing relationships created by the application. This will allow the application to manage and track relationships between its users, perhaps even suggesting who they might like to share trips with or create a feed of users who have shared similar trips. On the UI side, we will need to design an interface that is fast and easy to use – most likely meaning that we will have to make several iterations of the user interface to improve on each iteration.

Viability Analysis

The tasks involved with this project are certainly attainable, but it is by no means a minor project. The design of a user interface alone is no small feat, and there will need to be a significant infrastructure put in place to handle the requests associated with a reactive web application. The first task will be creating a server with which we can serve the necessary javascript and html for an application – this should be fairly quick to set up, however, we will also need to decide on and set up a database that is scalable for the application once it reaches full load which could take longer to do. Second, we would need to set up an API (Application Programming Interface) for communicating between the web application and server from a user’s browser. This will take a good deal longer as the use cases for the product will need to be flushed out and pathways designed/created to serve the application. The next major task would involve designing the user interface that can be then created in a given Javascript framework – this is almost guaranteed to be the longest and most involved as it will involve designing a user interface and iterating on each design to improve usability.

Risks and Rewards

This is a unique application as there is currently no popular application that allows its users to plan and share trips with friends and family, which could aid people in the planning of future vacations and trips. On the other hand, as is true with any data-based application, it could open the users to potential theft if their trip data is gained by a malicious party, so any data must be kept securely wherever it is held, as well as transmitted in a secure fashion.


This application could be absolutely revolutionary for the travel industry. It has become clear in recent years that there is a massive potential for any social application because it lets people integrate the platform into their lives, increasing its value to them. As such, the application has huge potential to gain a large following and user base, making it an extremely valuable idea.

Eric Marshall’s Resume

Eric Marshall

Personal Website | LinkedIn | Printable Resume

I’m a computer science and engineering student in my senior year at Bucknell University. I have experience in multiple languages, including Python, Javascript, and Java, and am always excited to keep expanding my repertoire. I love creating robust, applicable software that aids people in solving problems.


+1 (650) 450-2960

School Address

701 Moore Avenue, C-2437
Lewisburg, PA 17837


May – Aug 2017

Software Engineering Intern

128 Technology – Burlington, MA

  • Created a Slack bot to notify Engineering of alarms on 128 systems in real-time
    • Updated a data collector on production systems to push fault notifications in real-time
    • Created web UI components to aid network administrators in management of data
  • Used a Python-based test automation framework to create tests for UI components on multiple browsers and operating systems
Tools: Python, Javascript (Node, React), SQL, Docker

May – Aug 2016

Student Researcher

Bucknell University – Lewisburg, PA

  • Designed an Android application for gathering physiological data from a smart watch for use in training artificial intelligences
  • Created a server for aggregating and storing collected physiological data in a database
Tools: Java, Javascript (Node), SQL

Aug 2016 – present

Student Event Manager

Bucknell University – Lewisburg, PA

  • Designed a script to set up a shift schedule for all Student Event Managers on Google Calendar
  • Assisted students with issues related to technology including projectors, printers, and media devices
Tools: Python


Aug 2014 – present

Bucknell UniversityClass of 2018

BS, Computer Science & Engineering

Personal Projects
A personal landing page, created to showcase various personal software projects and provide a link to the PDF of my resume.
Tools: HTML, SASS, Sublime Text
An expense report generation tool, implemented as an iOS application that compiles a PDF on the user’s phone rather than needing a third-party account
Tools: Swift, X-Code

Awards and Leadership


ACM Chapter SecretaryBucknell University

2016, 2017

Dean’s ListBucknell University


Eagle ScoutBoy Scouts of America

Pantry Volunteer Tracking Platform

Project Description

Issue: One of the pantry’s priorities is expanding its volunteer base. To that end, we have scheduled an open meeting in September at which time community residents will hear about different volunteer tasks and have an opportunity to express interest. The pantry would benefit from development of a database that includes volunteers’ names, level and extent of interest; availability and expectations. The electronic database should also monitor volunteer training that is required by the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank.



We seek to: prevent burnout by what is now a core group through expanding our volunteer base, monitor and assess volunteer successes and failures and make the community more aware of the pantry and its vital role in fighting hunger.



A well-trained and motivated volunteer base will improve operation of the food pantry. By assisting the pantry, students can better appreciate that hunger is real, even in small-town America.



Not aware of resources beyond software/computers.


Group Summary

The Lewisburg pantry is having issues with volunteer burnouts and keeping track of volunteer status. There should be a way to track volunteers electronically.

Identified Pains

  • Not enough volunteers and/or burnout amongst volunteers.
  • No way to track volunteer training and membership.

Proposed Problem Description

Create a volunteer database for the pantry that allows easy storage and update of information, and help with scheduling to prevent burnout.

Proposed Goals

Create a database with an attached user-friendly interface that allows the pantry to store information about their volunteers and create efficient schedules.


While brainstorming we came up with some useful ideas for helping the Lewisburg pantry better coordinate its volunteers and reduce burnout. We felt that an online training system, possibly with social media integration, that reduces the amount of in person training, needed might give volunteers and staff more time to help people at the food bank. We also felt that any scheduling application that the pantry used should allow for the, to keep track of who will be volunteering on any given day, such that there are enough people available.


Anushikha Sharma

Eric Marshall

Jason Corriveau

Ben Matase

Jingya Wu

Brainstorming by:

Dunni Adenuga

Lucas Nicolois

Matthew Rogge



Lucas Gregory

Dunni Adenuga

Parish Membership Tracking Platform

Project Description

Issue: The parish currently uses a parish (off the shelf) data program to track parishioner contributions and to record parishioner information useful to the parish. I suspect the current program is somewhat outdated.

Action: Evaluate current parishioner data entry program. With an eye to the future, investigate current “off the shelf” parish data programs and create a program which would incorporate e.g. parishioner sacramental records, contributions, email addresses, new technologies, fresh ideas, mail merge program, family (member profiles i.e. names, ages, occupations, talents, etc.), all with an eye to conducting a parish census. Perhaps this could be App friendly in collecting the data in the future, that parishioners could use from their phones in the pew to sign up for parish events or take surveys….



To track parishioner information/participation in various parish dynamics from financial contributions to sign up and participation on a retreat. It might also, if it has an app form, serve as a means of reaching out to update people about events, or closings due to snow etc.



While such a service would certainly help our small staff in organization, it could also help us as a community to be better networked and facilitate better communication.



We can share our current outdated methods of record keeping and communication.


Group Summary

Create a membership tracking platform for the local parish that includes parishioner sacramental records, email addresses, new technologies, fresh ideas, family details. It should allow for a tool to mail merge and assist the parish in keeping track of all the new members and their contributions.

Identified Pains

The current membership tracking program is outdated and the database is difficult to use, update and implement.

Proposed Problem Description

Create a membership tracking platform for the local parish that includes parishioner sacramental records, email addresses, new technologies, fresh ideas, family details. It should allow for a tool to mail merge and assist the parish in keeping track of all the new members and their contributions. This platform could also be a mode of communication between the parish leadership and the community.

Proposed Goals

Create a database with an attached user-friendly interface that allows the parish to monitor and communicate with its members


Our takeaways from brainstorming included possibly connecting to an already established database (facebook or something) that has basic information to pull potential new parishioners.  Also be able to post church services to the software solution for those who can’t make it in person.

Tab four


Anushikha Sharma

Eric Marshall

Jason Corriveau

Ben Matase

Jingya Wu

Brainstorm Contributors

Sienna Mosher

Jordan Voves

Community Aid Organization Platform

Project Description

The Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way’s network (client base, community partners, donors, volunteers, etc.) lacks cohesiveness and communication. Currently, there is imbalance in resources amongst community organizations. For example, the grand sounding organizations tend to grab more attention and donations than the others, thus creating unnecessary surplus in resources. Moreover, due to a lack of knowledge about available resources at community organizations, constituents often find it hard to reach out for help. This issue in communication will prevent executing the next steps of GSVUW as a collective impact administration. The Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way’s current primary function is to broker individuals and institutions’ monetary donations to community agencies (money can be designated or undesignated). Although this system works, the potential of this network of organizations and donors has yet to be met. In addition to being the middle-man between donors’ money and places they can go to, United Way could facilitate a system that encourages strong collaboration and healthy communication between all participants in the basic needs effort. This way individual and institutional donors can directly aid specific programs, community programs work with each other to limit one another’s inefficiencies, and a common goal and agenda is established to eradicate major issues in the community. There is a common misbelief that lower income families in the Greater Susquehanna Valley don’t have smart phones. In fact, a vast majority of them do.

In order for these implementations to be effective, United Way must work to create a stronger network of community partners. They must get community partners to invest in a collective goal. Organizations need to have a clear mission to prevent overlap and egoism from disrupting effectiveness. Mutual priorities need to be set in order to have more responsible allocations of donations.



– Design a technology platform that is able to facilitate connection and seamless communication among the members of United Ways’ network, most importantly community partners
– The platform should ultimately be able to reduce inefficiencies associated with duplication of work, lack of communication
– The platform should have an easy to use interface which is easily understood and can also efficiently adopted by a new user. It should also be easy to train people to administer the platform
– The platform should feed into an information base that allows users to maximize their access to the community as well as connect to the community partners of United Way.



-The information that is stored through the platform pertaining to the client, donor and community partners must be secure and only accessible to authorized personnel.
-The platform must be able to provide secure transaction functionalities to those who want to donate
-The platform must be built such that it is sustainable, it should be easy to maintain and administer
-The platform must allow for future developments to be made into it




A technological platform to facilitate communication and cooperation amongst the three counties under the GSVUW would greatly further United Way’s benefit to the communities. The need for such a platform has been established for several years, and was included in the Union Snyder Counties CAA 2016 Needs Assessment. A centralizing platform that streamlines resources would bring the nonprofit sector to the technological era of “real time,” so that out of date handouts/ contact lists/ directories are not inhibiting United Way’s work. Correspondence among community partners (funded and not funded) would harness the power of collective impact. Perhaps more fundamentally, the technological platform would hopefully improve access to basic needs. The Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way identifies the following as the basic needs the counties most commonly lack: toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush), diapers, mattresses, appliances, laundry detergent, kitchen starter sets, eyeglasses, furniture (dining room, living room, sofa), and feminine products. Meeting each community member’s basic needs is vital in promoting well being and sustainability of a community. The cyclical relationship between lack of basic needs and poverty is described by the term “tyranny of the moment.” An individual is forced into the tyranny of the moment when they are solely acting to survive, and need immediate action. One is not able to look outside the crisis long enough to think of the future- this is what makes poverty a perpetual cycle. Ultimately, a technological platform would propel GSVUW’s ability to improve the life of each member of each community within Union, Snyder, and Northumberland counties.


Group Summary

They want to improve the donation process in multiple ways.  They want to distribute donations more evenly across different organizations/partners and also facilitate communication between donors and recipients. Create a platform to centralize and facilitate efficient, confidential, and user friendly transactions.

Identified Pains

Imbalance in donations to smaller community organizations

Difficulty in communicating between community donation organizations, donors, and recipients.


Proposed Problem Description

Need to be a centralized platform for organizing donations to community aid programs by ensuring communication between all parties involved.

Proposed Goals

  • Create user-friendly interface for community programs to coordinate efforts
  • Easy maintenance for platform
  • Secure and confidential transactions/communication
  • Make accessible for entire community


Our takeaways from brainstorming were the need for a centralized donations system that focuses on donations to the organization as a whole rather than to individual regions. This will give GSVUW control of what projects receive funding and prevent project surpluses. Below is our brainstorming sheet.


Jason Corriveau

Eric Marshall

Ben Matase

Anushikha Sharma

Jingya Wu

Brainstorming by

Dunni Adenuga

Lucas Nicolois

Matthew Rogge




Trip Sharing Platform

Project Description

This project comes from my personal experience traveling the US to visit national parks. I was looking on the google play store for an app to track which national parks we have seen vs. not seen. I assumed there would be an app that could track this for us and maybe even present a map or visualization of our progress that I could share on Facebook. This app doesn’t exist at the moment (some similar sites exist like, but this isn’t exactly easy to use or very powerful). So, we should create it but why limit it to national parks? I would like to develop an app/web platform where users can create a list of places to visit or things to do. Then other users can sign up for these lists and track their progress. We could build in national parks, national monuments, even restaurants in Lewisburg. But the best feature would be users could create new lists. This would allow very diverse and interesting lists to be created everything from Civil War battlefields to national ballparks. The site would have allow searching for nearby sites (geotagged) and leaderboards with statistics about who is in each challenge along with nice visualizations and social media connections.



Group Summary

Currently, there is no useful way to log and share notable places that they want to go to. People would like to share these lists of places with other interested users. Use cases include a list of national parks, popular local restaurants, and museums in a city. Therefore, it would be great to have a way for users to create these lists of places and compete with others. This app will encourage people to go out and explore the world! Lastly, this service would be based in a mobile app.

Identified Pains

It’s difficult to keep track of places that you’ve been, all while sharing those places too

There does not currently exist a way to invite people to participate in location based challenges.

Proposed Problem Description

Build a platform to list, record, and share different places that users have been and wish to visit. Users should be able to create lists of places to visit and share these with others. Lastly, the platform should be able to recommend to users different places to visit near their current or preferred location. 

Proposed Goals

Integrate seamlessly with preexisting social media.

Utilize preexisting GPS and location based services.


Our takeaways from brainstorming included some form of interactive sharing for those unable to leave the house, as well as having some way to opt in for seeing other peoples trips, and an easy way to add destinations to the application.

Tab Two:



Jason Corriveau

Eric Marshall

Ben Matase

Anushikha Sharma

Jingya Wu

Brainstorming By

Sienna Mosher

Jordan Voves



Anushikha Sharma

Jason Corriveau

Jingya Wu

Benjamin Matase

Sienna Mosher

Group Pre-Proposal

Code 007
