About Me

Welcome to Alan Cheville's personal web site at Bucknell.  This site provides information on the various facets of my life and is designed to let people get to know me virtually through sharing some of facets of my professional and personal life.  Since this is a personal site, it is important to give the disclaimer that it represents my own views, not those of any organization I am affiliated with... 


Please poke around, explore the links to sites I use frequently, learn about the projects I am working on, learn more about me, connect via social networks, or browse through more abstract thoughts.  While most of the information that appears here is mine, some has been copied with attribution (if known) and permission (if available).


So as Jed Clampett so eloquently put it, "Come on in, set a spell, take yore shoes off..."

About This Site

The site is accessed through six different links:


  • Home- This page.
  • Useful Links- These are hyperlinks that I visit often and are here for my own personal use.  Feel free to browse them...
  • Current Projects- Some of the projects I am currently working on or have archived here if they are complete.
  • About Me- Contains both my professional and personal personas:  curriculum vita, personal information, writings, photos, etc.
  • My Network- Links to my on-line presence and organizations I belong to.
  • Thoughts-  Ideas and symbols that inspire me, links to my blogs, and other ideas that haven't made it to the project stage yet.