September 16
Newton's Cannonball,
or How the Moon Can Fall Toward the Earth and Never Hit It

Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight

King Harvest, Dancing in the Moonlight


Reading: In Explorations, pp. 81-90, and pay special attention to the boxed text ("Extending our Reach") on p. 84.

Also, please re-read the special web page on Newton's Cannonball again. Hopefully, it will make more sense this time.

Sign up for a time slot for Observing Lab #2.

Start reviewing for Wednesday's Exam.

In Class:

Question to Ponder

If I'm out in deep space coasting along at constant speed in my fancy new spaceship, and I carelessly throw the wrapper from my ``SpaceBurger Deluxe with Cheese'' out the window, the wrapper will
  • a) fall behind the spaceship as it slows down and eventually stops.
  • b) move along at the same speed as the ship, sitting outside my window and mocking me for being such a litterbug.
  • c) magically gravitate toward the nearest SpaceLitter Recycling Facility.

Galileo's Work on Gravity

  • The speed of falling objects increases linearly with time (v = at).
  • This means that the acceleration is constant (e.g., change in velocity per time is constant).
  • He also figures out that the distance fallen is equal to one-half the acceleration times the time squared (e.g., dist = 1/2 a t2).
  • The acceleration objects feel in the Earath's gravity does not depend on the composition of the object.
  • Galileo measured the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth to be 9.8 m/s/s.

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

  • Takes Galileo's physics and Kepler's planetary laws and constructs a unified theory of gravity.
  • Realizes that Galileo's gravity might also hold the Moon in orbit.

Why the Moon Doesn't Fall Down

  • Becuse of its inertia, the Moon "wants" to continue in a straight line.
  • Because of the Earth's gravitational pull, the Moon's trajectory bends into a circle about the Earth.
  • The pull inward is necessary for the Moon (or anything) to move in a circle.
  • Circular motion requires an inward acceleration.

Newton's Cannonball

  • Newton calculates the relationship between orbital velocity, orbital size, and the necessary acceleration for circular orbits.
  • See the special web page on Newton's Cannonball for details.

How Fast is Newton's Cannonball?

  • v2 = a x r
  • Galileo said a = 9.8 m/s/s at the Earth's surface.
  • radius of Earth r = 6.4 x 106 m
  • so v2 = 9.8 m/s/s x 6.4 x 106 m = 6.25 x 107 (m/s)2
  • and v = 7.9 x 10 3 m/s

Newton Calculates the Acceleration the Moon Feels

  • Since it's going in a circle, the Moon must feel an acceleration
  • Could it be due to gravity?
  • amoon = vmoon2/rmoon
  • v = distance/time
  • time = period = 27.3 days x (86400 sec/1 day) = 2.36 x 106 seconds
  • distance = 2 x pi x rmoon = 2 x 3.14 x 3.84 x 108 m = 2.41 x 109 m
  • vmoon = 2.41 x 109 m / 2.36 x 106 seconds = 1.0 x 103 m/s
  • amoon = (1.0 x 103 m/s)2 / 3.84 x 108 m = 2.7 x 10-3 m/s/s
  • Uh-oh -- this is a lot smaller than the acceleration due to the Earth's gravity at the surface of the Earth.
  • Could Newton be wrong about the Moon feeling the Earth's gravity? -- Could be (but he isn't).

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