You will choose from a pool of projects in order to fit your interests and strengths. To help better understand the project and help the instructor form project teams, each student is asked to write a project proposal. The proposal should list two projects in you are interested, a primary and a secondary.

Writeup Components

For each of the two projects, the proposal should consist of two main parts, an outline of the project and an argument why the student would want to pursue this project:

  • General Project Information: Outline a solution to your problem. Note that at this stage, it may not be entirely clear what the exact technologies will be needed, the system architecture will likely change. This is fine. The proposal should reflect the fact that the student has seriously considered the proposed system and has done necessary investigation to assess the complexity and the outcome of the system.
    • Project Scope: what specific problems are you trying to solve completely? What is out of the scope of the project? What tasks should users be able to do?
    • Expected End-Product: brainstorm a solution or two. Include sketches if appropriate (they can be hand-drawn) to make your idea more concrete.
    • System Architecture + Technologies: Give an idea about what technology is going to be need. Is it an iOS mobile app, a web page,
    • Potential Challenges and Obstacles: What are the critical points of this project in which everything could go wrong?
  • Reasons to pursue the project: including interests in the project, relevant knowledge about the project, experiences in a similar project, learning the technology required by the project, among others. Please be as specific as possible. The student needs to convince the reader that he/she fits the project well.


  • Length: The length of the proposal should be about 4 pages (2 pages for each project), or about 800 to 1,500 words.

  • Presentation: The day the project is due, you will present your primary project in a rapid fire format. You get only one slide and a presentation time of only 1-2 minutes. Focus primarily on your proposed solution. You must upload your slide to the appropriate folder in our group’s Drive folder by 8AM the morning of your presentation.

  • Submission: Your proposal should be a Google Doc that is added to your individual Drive folder by 3pm on the day of your deadline. It might be worth reviewing the writing rubric for CSCI479