Peanut Pal


Peanut Pal is a project that intends to assist children who are participating in oral immunotherapy. The app would need to remind the child that it is time for their treatment, make sure the child is aware of the dose, exercise restrictions, and make sure the interactions are simple enough for a child to use. Such an app could utilize voice controls and large displays to make sure the child does not wrongly apply their peanut solution. This app would have to be very easy to use and have many assurances to make sure that the treatment is correct, delivered on time, and followed up with the right actions.


Executive Summary

Voice activated user interfaces would be easiest from a users point of view, paired with large colorful displays this type of system would be able to accurately display the days treatment information. This system would have to have many systems of verification, followups in the form of notifications via the phone’s alarm system. With a child’s health being dependent on the correct application of the peanut solution it would have to make sure the data is always verified and delivered to the correct individual.


Viability Analysis

This app would require a robust verification system and backend solution. A secure database housing all of the user’s health requirements for this treatment, their treatment times, levels, and special cases would also be needed. The front end display and user interface would be relatively easy to implement, the bulk of the labor would be spent in the database and safety features throughout the app. For the third point about exercise it may also be possible to track the user’s movement through the phone and ensure that they are not exercising in any way.


Risks and Rewards

While there is a level of risk in any medical apps, this particular app would be able to alleviate a common and potentially severe allergy. Such an app would have a large impact on the community and allow individuals to no longer have to worry about the threat of a peanut allergy once the treatments are complete.



This app is a great opportunity to make a lasting impact on the user’s life. While challenging this project would be exciting to undertake and ensure that the resulting app is secure, accurate, and helpful to anyone who uses it. Many aspects of this app could be customized to make the child more interested in using it, result in a successful user experience for all involved in this new therapy method.

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