Jason Corriveau



Excurvant is a company that is looking to be the leading, next generation travel agency. To do so, they want to be a one stop shop where users can share their travel experiences with other others, explore areas that they would want to travel to, and be able to book their trips! Currently, Excurvant is still in development, and aims to have an excellent user experience and user interface. Overall, the main goal is for the platform to be personalized and also have a seamless uploading experience.


Executive Summary

In order to achieve the goal of creating a customized experience for users, I propose that the app should ask the users about their travel experiences when they first sign up for the app. For instance, users can identify locations that they regularly go to, locations that they want to go to, and more. Then, the app will put a higher priority on showing these locations to users as they “explore” different locations. As far as creating a better sharing experience, it will be essential to be able to share content on Excurvant to other social media platforms. The main purpose for doing so is that this feature will provide a way for more potential users to be exposed to the platform and will help the platform gain more attention. Overall, these two solutions serve to make the experience personalized and also improve the sharing experience with the app.


Viability Analysis

The largest difficulty in connecting a platform such as Excurvant to other social media platforms is in finding a seamless way for Excurvant to communicate with these other platforms. It is likely that the best way to do so will be by just providing the URL to the address where a user’s Excurvant profile is hosted. However, in an ideal world, there should be a better way to integrate Excurvant with pre-existing social media. As far as a customized experience goes, it is important to make sure that users are able to see the locations they are interested in visiting, without it completely taking over the content found on Excurvant. This will be a balancing act, and a study may need to be done in order to identify the preference of users.


Risks and Rewards

The solution of creating a smooth way to connect Excurvant with pre-existing social media platforms has a huge reward if it is able to happen. The main risk, however, is that in working to integrate with current social media, Excurvant would be limited in its features and functionality. With regard to customizing Excurvant towards users preferences, there is a risk that user experience may be worsened by incorporating their preferences. However, by testing the personalization of the media shown to users in a controlled case, this risk can be limited.



Excurvant can gain a huge amount of exposure if the platform is able to be integrated into pre-existing social media. If this is accomplished, many more people will be exposed to its features. Additionally, be implementing a system where users have a customized experience, the platform will be able to help users discover locations that they want to travel to next, and eventually the platform can help them book their trips. By dedicating resources to this project, Excurvant will hit the ground running in getting more users and optimizing user experience.

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