Trip Sharing Platform


Currently, there is no great way for users to create and share lists of places to visit with friends or the public. A system that would provide this opportunity has the potential to help users discover exciting places to visit, both locally, and to places that they want to travel to. Ideally, creating a platform, with both a web and mobile platform, can allow users to share lists of places they want to go and track their progress.


Executive Summary

A social mobile and web application is necessary to create a solution to the problem discussed above. First, the platform could pull popular locations off of Google maps, as well as allow users to enter new locations.  Then, the app could sync with Facebook in order for users to get lists of places to visit from friends. With these locations and a friend system in place, users will be able to connect with one another and share their “lists of places to visit”. Lists can be shared privately with friends, along with publicly. A sample use case is that locals from a town can create a list of the best restaurants to visit in the area. Then, others from the area can get a chance to discover these restaurants which they may have missed in the past. Finally, the mobile platform as it can allow users to “check in” and update their progress on locations visited, along with the app providing recommended places to visit based upon their current location. By integrating a web and mobile app, users will be able to have the convenience of accessing the platform on the go, while also being able to use it on any computer if that is their preference.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Viability Analysis

There are two major challenges that I see this app facing. First, there could be a challenge with getting a list of different places to visit and categorizing them. It would be very useful if people could search for types of locations, such as parks, restaurants, museums, and more. However, it could be a challenge to identify and categorize places as they are being gathered from Google or another location. Second, another challenge with this app is that it will be most useful when there are plenty of users. Users will be able to recommend local “lists of places” to visit, as these are the easiest for other users to travel to. As such, a challenge arises for users in rural areas that may not have many other users, as their local “lists of places” will be much smaller than others.


Risks and Rewards

The biggest risk with this app is the ability for it to be manipulated by places that are looking to gain popularity. For instance, nothing would stop, for example, a restaurant from including itself on a list of the best places to visit in a town. As such, consideration should be put into who is allowed to create public lists of places and perhaps a rating system for these lists. The largest reward with the app is that it revolutionizes travel plans. The app has potential to be used by a variety of travelers as they visit popular attractions and be a convenient way to make sure they visit all of the attractions that they planned to see.



Overall, there is potential for this project to be something that is picked up by travelers across the country. By introducing a web and mobile app, users will be able to integrate the system into their lifestyles and use it on the go. Further, through the mobile app, users can be recommended local places to visit, which can create a fantastic user experience. With the Facebook integration, the platform will serve as the easiest way for friends to share itineraries as they schedule or recommend trips to each other. Overall, with integration from Facebook and Google Maps and the creation of a web and mobile app, this concept has the potential to be a big hit.

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