Samek Introduction

Artwork is priceless. Painters spend countless hours pouring their souls out over their works. On the consumer end, museums and collectors pay top dollar for these masterpieces. A masterful painting has the ability to transcend time, touching the souls of all of its admirers.

But paintings do not always forever. Temperature and humidity, if left unchecked, have the ability to turn even the mighty Mona Lisa into nothing but a memory. The combination of these two wicked forces can cause problems such as warping, fading, cracking, molding, and more.

The curators of the Samek Art Museum at Bucknell University have noticed signs of these afflictions on paintings kept in their storeroom. The storeroom contains a commercial thermostat that is supposed to regulate the climate of the storeroom, and Bucknell facilities insists that this thermostat is doing its job, but the curators are not convinced.

We have been asked to deploy a network of sensors across the storeroom of the Samek Art Museum to detect if temperature and humidity are truly within the safe range for storing artwork. We plan to deploy a total of twelve sensors, communicating back to two base-stations that will process the data and store it in a database. The data will then be displayed on a webpage, where curators will easily be able to view it in their web browsers to determine if their precious paintings are in danger.

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