In project 1b you will implement the same exact site as in project 1a, but this time you must use Bootstrap for the page formatting and layout (you may choose v3 or v4 of Bootstrap). You can (and will have to) add extra styles to get the exact formatting specified in project 1a, but you must use rely on Bootstrap as much as possible!

The only new requirement in this project is to use at least one Bootstrap component on your portfolio homepage. This could be a navbar, carousel, jumbotron, card, etc something that extends the basic “project 1” functionality is the goal. You shouldn’t completely change the visual layout of the page, but you can add one or two extra elements.

Time to complete: 1-3 hours. If it’s taking you longer than this, see me for help!

Turn in

I will create an assignment in google classroom. Turn in the link to your page before the due date (2/16/2018 @ 9AM).  Late assignments will be accepted with a half-letter grade per day penalty.

Extra Credit

If you have your project done and turned in by class time on 2/14/2018 and present your Bootstrap portfolio in class on that day you will receive an extra half-letter grade (you can’t get a score higher than 100%, however).


100 points total.

10 points, site has the minimum required information (name, contact information, image, sample coursework, project 1, 2, 3).
15 points, lg/xl shows three columns, formatted as specified above using Bootstrap layout.
15 points, md shows two columns with correct formatting, formatted as specified above using Bootstrap layout.
15 points, xs, sm shows one column, formatted as specified above using Bootstrap layout.
15 points, added at least one appropriate Bootstrap components on your page (navbar, carousel, jumbotron, card, etc).
15 points, activity 11, two customized bootstrap examples linked to portfolio showing good Bootsrap practices.
10 points, all HTML and CSS follows generally good coding practices, is formatted nicely, uses semantic tags, uses appropriate Bootstrap components, and is easy to understand.
5 points, proper submission.