Film/Media Studies inventory system

Project Description

Film/Media Studies needs a system for inventory management, equipment requests, and studio usage. A group of CSCI 479 students began working on custom software to address this during the Spring 2016 semester. They developed a working prototype, but the system was not finished.







The finished software could be implemented by the Film/Media Studies department and used for the foreseeable future, positively impacting both students and faculty in the department.




Group Summary

There is currently a prototype for an inventory management system, but it is not finished.


Identified Pains

There is not a good way to do inventory management in the Film/Media Studies department.

Proposed Problem Description

Modify the current inventory management system to become fully functional.

Proposed Goals

Modify the current system or create a new one from scratch.


Film/Media Studies Inventory System


Bobby Cao

Jordan Faith

Levi Adair

Tom Ficcadenti

Daniel Vasquez

Tracking Usage Data in a High Traffic Area

Project Description

The intersection of North Water Street and St. Anthony Street is heavily used by pedestrians (Wolfe Field, the Lewisburg Community Garden, and the Street of Shops are all nearby). The Borough would like to investigate options for making that intersection safer (they have already been told that putting in a roundabout is not an option). There could be potential for students to develop a system to track usage data, or to develop tools to make the intersection safer.

Group Summary

This group is looking for a software based solution to a problem involving the welfare of individuals that travel through a high traffic area. They come to us in order to receive expertise on this problem and to receive a complete implementation of their idea.

Identified Pains

The group has noticed that the intersection of North Water Street and St. Anthony Street in Lewisburg is dangerous. There is a lot of activity in the area, and this leads to danger for pedestrians. Currently, they do not have a tool to track usage of the area, which would be helpful in creating change to the intersection.

Proposed Problem Description

There is an intersection in a highly trafficked area of the town of Lewisburg, PA. The intersection is in an area that is surrounded by a field in which children play, a community garden, and a popular shop. The Borough feels a need to collect data regarding this intersection as it pertains to the health and safety of those in the area. Structural changes to the road cannot be made, and a piece of software that tracks usage of the area could help the Borough to make changes to the intersection that would make it more safe.

Proposed Goals

Create a private webpage or mobile application that tracks usage data regarding this intersection. This can be analyzed by the Borough in order to create changes that will make this area safer for pedestrians. Developing a tool for the group that tracks usage of these roads will help to avoid accidents and danger in the area. There are other solutions that do not involve software that should be explored first, such as road/pedestrian signs, lowering speed limit, speed bumps, increasing visibility, and audible crosswalk systems. A software solution could be used to track the difference these solutions make and to possibly coerce the town to implement these solutions.


Tracking Usage Data in High Traffic Area Brainstorming 

Biggest takeaways:

Most ideas focused on removing the interaction between humans and cars.

If humans and cars interact, make it in a way that is safe for both parties.

Cars should be changed to make them safer to interact with humans.





Andrew Capuano, Stefano Cobelli, Brooke Bullek, Daniel Vasquez. 

Anushikha Sharma, Levi Adair, Jordan Faith, Cole Whitley



Project Description


Everyone needs appointments. Need a form signed by your advisor? Need a haircut? Does your car need an oil change? Make an appointment! But how do you do that? Send an email, use an online form, or even worse, make a phone call? Wish there was a better way? Me too. The goal of this project is the ultimate appointment making app. Rather than tackle the general case, this project will keep all use cases in mind, but focus on students making appointments with faculty/staff at Bucknell. This means researching and understanding how students want to make appointments and how faculty/staff want to schedule appointments. Most likely there isn’t one solution but several different approaches that will have to be implemented (app, online, text message, automated voice, etc) through one central platform.


Assess how students make appointments now and how they would like to in an ideal world.
Assess how faculty schedule appointments and how they would like to in an ideal world.
Find a logical set of appointment making/scheduling features/approaches and create several prototype systems. Evaluate the results. From these results, refine/improve system and deploy as a service to the Bucknell community.


Could tie into building management system/occupancy sensors to detect if person is in their office and most likely times they are present.


Group Summary

Make an application that takes into account of how students and faculty schedule appointments. Eventually this application should be scaled to handle other general cases beyond just Bucknell faculty and student interactions. In summary, the application will have various ways that help people manage their appointments in a friendly matter.

Identified Pains

  • Multiple appointment Methods such as email, calendar, text, etc.
  • Not every professor uses the standard appointment utilities
  • There can be varied behaviors between students and faculties that can cause complications in standardizing

Proposed Problem Description

Different mediums of scheduling appointments and different preferences for certain mediums. Lack of integration between different mediums such as making an appointment on a calendar then scheduling that room through another medium.

Proposed Goals

  • Scheduling an appointment with a room will also book the room, so integrating different mediums together in a usable and presentable format
  • Find trends in the behavior of students and faculty due to appointments
  • Create a service that integrates multiple mediums together or create a platform that schedules appointments


Lucas Nicolois, Sienna Mosher, Allan La, Lukas Munoz, Matthew Rogge



Bobby Cao, Thomas Ficcadenti, Lucas Gregory, Jingya Wu, Stefano Cobelli

BrainStorming sheet




Jason Corriveau

Jingya Wu

Interactive Physics

Project Description

Interactive Children’s Museum Exhibit where students can learn concepts in Newtonian physics, electricity, magnetism, sound waves, EM spectrum etc. Inspired by “choose-your-own-adventure”; allow kids to put together virtual parts to see what could happen (virtual test), and then they get to put those same parts together in real life and see the result. For example, a kid can select a hand-crank generator, predict how fast they can rotate it to get a certain power output (virtual, calculated), and then actually crank a real generator and see if the measured wattage is the same as predicted. Or back-calculate their rotational speed. Another system could involve distance and light-level sensors and some arduino (or printed circuit board) connections. Sonar sensors are particularly cool and easy to program. Having a graphic explaining how it is working while the kid is using it would be great. This project is open to your imagination, within safety, expense, space, and time constraints.


Exhibit(s) to teach concepts in Newtonian Physics, electricity, magnetism, sound waves, and/or EM spectrum.


Must be safe for children, fit on a table, and not be too expensive.


Thousands of kids per year get to enjoy your project while learning.


If you need to purchase images, a monitor, or some small software, that is possible (within reason)

Group Summary

This project is looking to combine virtual simulations with real world interactive activities in order to teach students about physics properties. They are looking to have a visual aid that can then be used to guide the students through a real experiment. The system should be very interactive, allow them to fully customize the results, and in the end use their new knowledge to explore the same concepts in a physical model.

Identified Pains

Difficulty teaching students the current physics properties

Current method would have to be a streamlined implementation with no freedom (a textbook)

Students are unable to test extreme cases as they may be dangerous, instead they are limited to only limited experiments.

This would encourage extreme inputs and many edge cases.

Proposed Problem Description

They need a way to make the learning fun and interactive. However, it may be more beneficial and have a larger impact through more possible exhibits, to only have an app instead of real models.

The app would need to accurately represent all aspects of the exhibit we wish to produce. For this it would need a sufficiently accurate physics engine.

Proposed Goals

The solution must be future proof, platform independent, and able to withstand years of use without fail.

It would have to handle a wide range of inputs, including extreme and potentially physically invalid options.

Engaging for the age group that we’re targeting. It must be easy to use and not laggy.

PO Brainstorming Sheet



Bobby Cao

Jordan Faith

Levi Adair

Tom Ficcadenti

Brooke Bullek

Allan La

Andrew Capuano

Daniel Vasquez


Dunni Adenuga

Jordan Voves

Cole Whitley

Group Preposals

Trip Sharing Platform

Project Description

This project comes from my personal experience traveling the US to visit national parks. I was looking on the google play store for an app to track which national parks we have seen vs. not seen. I assumed there would be an app that could track this for us and maybe even present a map or visualization of our progress that I could share on Facebook. This app doesn’t exist at the moment (some similar sites exist like, but this isn’t exactly easy to use or very powerful). So, we should create it but why limit it to national parks? I would like to develop an app/web platform where users can create a list of places to visit or things to do. Then other users can sign up for these lists and track their progress. We could build in national parks, national monuments, even restaurants in Lewisburg. But the best feature would be users could create new lists. This would allow very diverse and interesting lists to be created everything from Civil War battlefields to national ballparks. The site would have allow searching for nearby sites (geotagged) and leaderboards with statistics about who is in each challenge along with nice visualizations and social media connections.



Group Summary

Currently, there is no useful way to log and share notable places that they want to go to. People would like to share these lists of places with other interested users. Use cases include a list of national parks, popular local restaurants, and museums in a city. Therefore, it would be great to have a way for users to create these lists of places and compete with others. This app will encourage people to go out and explore the world! Lastly, this service would be based in a mobile app.

Identified Pains

It’s difficult to keep track of places that you’ve been, all while sharing those places too

There does not currently exist a way to invite people to participate in location based challenges.

Proposed Problem Description

Build a platform to list, record, and share different places that users have been and wish to visit. Users should be able to create lists of places to visit and share these with others. Lastly, the platform should be able to recommend to users different places to visit near their current or preferred location. 

Proposed Goals

Integrate seamlessly with preexisting social media.

Utilize preexisting GPS and location based services.


Our takeaways from brainstorming included some form of interactive sharing for those unable to leave the house, as well as having some way to opt in for seeing other peoples trips, and an easy way to add destinations to the application.

Tab Two:



Jason Corriveau

Eric Marshall

Ben Matase

Anushikha Sharma

Jingya Wu

Brainstorming By

Sienna Mosher

Jordan Voves



Anushikha Sharma

Jason Corriveau

Jingya Wu

Benjamin Matase

Sienna Mosher

Group Pre-Proposal

Code 007


Capturing Emotional Reactions to Data Visualization

Project Description

News organizations and companies across the world are investing much into developing interactive data visualizations. Yet we know little about what viewers actually do and experience when they interact with these visualizations. Fortunately, there are new technologies, such as webcam libraries that calculate a person’s emotional state in real-time, that might shed light on what people experience during interaction. This project will address the technical and design challenges of instrumenting interactive visualizations with emotion-capture software, combining this data with interaction logging, and visualizing peoples’ interaction+emotion sequences for creators to learn about how people use the interactive visualizations they create.


– Develop visualizations for emotion and interaction data extracted from an existing set of visualizations (e.g. from news orgs).
– Identify design constraints and tasks for what creators can do with interaction and emotion data extracted from audiences that view their visualizations.
– Develop a general visualization tool for emotion and interaction data extracted from any visualization.


– Privacy of the audience is a primary concern. It should not be possible for creators to identify specific audience members that use their visualizations.


– Many news organizations and companies would benefit from tools that help them understand how audiences are using the interactive visualizations they create.


This project will require: web programming, design, data-manipulation (e.g. python, R, javascript), visualization

Group Summary

This proposal requires a way to document the emotional reactions that consumers have to interactive data visualizations, using some pre-existing tools like webcam libraries. This data will then be turned into our own visualization for the client to use. We will be integrating many existing technologies and applying them to data visualization analytics.

Identified Pains

Adapting to using the proposed webcam technologies.

Creating Data Visualization.

Calculating emotional state in real time.

Privacy concerns (via the webcam tech)

Proposed Problem Description

Companies across the country and world are spending millions of dollars improving their advertising presence to stay relevant against their competition. One way they do this is by creating interactive data visualizations. However, there currently exists no ideal way for these companies to understand the impact their expensive visualizations are having on consumers. Your objective is to solve this problem by creating a way to understand consumer trends based on interactive data visualizations. There exists webcam technologies that can capture users’ emotional reactions to what they are viewing in real time. Using this tech, gather data and compile it into a visualization of your own that can be given back to the creators of the original interactive data visualizations in order to help them understand the emotional impact of their ads and how to best improve them.


Proposed Goals

Harvest people’s reactions to existing interactive data visualizations.

Display our results in a way that is clear and beneficial to said creators, allowing them to easily understand how to make changes to their visualizations.

Increase margins for creators of these expensive data visualizations.


Lucas, Dunni, Jordan, Cole



  • Make a horror game that changes the story as you go based on your emotions
    • Data taken through webcam, or body sensors, or both
  • Build a platform for collecting emotional profiles of users
  • Create an AI that can identify how people will react based on visualizations/stimulus


Individual Proposals

Allan La: 

Levi Adair
Lukas Munoz
Brooke Bullek

Eric Marshall

Benjamin Matase

Film Findr

Project Description

I am working on a searchable relational database of feature films that I plan to make available as a tool for scholars and ordinary film buffs. I need help with various aspects of the programming for the database including (1) automating the film upload process to the extent possible; (2) continuing to upgrade the user interface; (3) developing new search options for users.


The project’s primary goal is to create a user-friendly, searchable, accurate database of films for film scholars, students, and film buffs to use. The basis of this is already in place, but there is a lot of room for expanding the types of search that are possible with it.


The database is stored on AWS with the front end on a Bucknell server. Any and all projects done by the senior design team would have to be mindful of the potential costs of using the database once it goes “live” to the public.


The potential impact of a public-facing version of the Film-Search Engine is a terrific resource for film scholars and film lovers. For the research team, it will be an opportunity to work on a “real world” project that will live on long after the specific students graduate – they will be able to see it grow over the years AND show potential employers/graduate programs how they contributed to it.


I have all of the necessary software. Last year’s team did not need any additional resources.

Group Summary

Update an existing Film Search database with an automatic film upload process and a more interactive user intuitive interface.

Identified Pains

Legal issues – copyrights issues

Search options are not specific

Working on an existing project, learning what other groups already achieved and how they did

Proposed Problem Description

My Film Search Engine requires a lot of time and effort to upload films and the user interface is difficult to navigate. The possible search options for movies are also limited. Please develop novel solutions to these problems.

Proposed Goals

An aesthetically pleasing user interface

More search options


Cole, Lucas, Jordan, Dunni


Brooke Bullek

Eric Marshall

Group Pre-Proposals

Eric, Cole, Andrew, Stefano


  • Find a way to identify which films are being accessed on the site and which films that users would prefer to have on the site
  • Identify different methods for searching (search for a specific actor)
  • Having a source where users upload / keep the film data up to date could lead to a helpful community that works together to provide and utilize resources

Eat Well, Be Well

Project Description

We would like to involve Mount Carmel Area High School students in a project to promote healthy eating and minimizing food waste, We also would like to promote volunteerism at the pantry by these students; a certain number of community service hours is a graduation requirement and we would also like to educate them about the importance of the pantry to the community. We believe these students can best be reached through digital means.



We want to create a community emphasis on eating better – both by adults in their decision on what food items to select at the pantry and by high school students who should be starting to think for themselves. We have a need for more volunteers, and we are hoping committed high school students can help us meet that need.


Privacy of both clients and volunteers is naturally a priority, Also, high school students are computer-savvy; a large percentage of the food pantry clienete is not.


A healthier community; more community engagement by students of high school age.


I honestly do not know what additional resources are needed beyond software.

Group Summary

The customer would like to use digital means to promote healthy eating and to minimize food waste. They would also like to promote volunteerism. To us, this seems like more of a digital design kind of project – posters and the such. “Digital means” needs to be more specific in order for us to flesh out any kind of program. However, it really seems that what the customer needs is a marketing campaign rather than software.

Identified Pains

The largest pain of this project is figuring out what digital means to use to reach the students. Again, this seems like more of a job for design students. I believe a poster campaign and maybe a school speaker could accomplish what the school wants. The student government could also start a food recycling campaign by putting out “green buckets” for food scraps to be collected in.


Proposed Problem Description

We would like to create a way to encourage students to eat healthy while also encouraging them to minimize the food that they waste. Furthermore, we would likes to create a way to encourage students to volunteer at the food pantry in order to instill appreciation of helping the community.

Existing app: for healthy eating many apps exist. Example is myFitnessPal where you can track calories and macros of the foods that you are consuming.

Proposed Goals

The outcome of this project should show an increase in healthy eating on campus, a decrease of food waste, and an increase in the number of volunteer hours by students on campus.


Cole, Lucas, Jordan, Dunni


  • Fitting volunteer hours into students’ weekly schedule
  • Gamification of the volunteering/eating well
  • System to keep track of eating habits/volunteering – more data = more aware

Interactive Digital History of Antigua

Interactive Digital History of Antigua

Project Description

Originally colonized by England in 1632, Antigua is a Caribbean island with a profoundly revelatory historical landscape that includes, along with the other islands of the region, a legacy of centuries of enslavement, oppression, exploitation, and murder of Africans and people of African descent. Many scholars of the Caribbean, including Antonio Benitez-Rojo, have written about the plantation, specifically the sugar mill, as the primary symbol of the enterprise, of the machinery that created and sustained European colonization, empire, and economic prosperity for generations, while, at the same time, decimating black lives and bodies, contorted to support the production of sugar. The sugar mill factory was the technological implement of the Caribbean plantation and was the mechanism through which sugar, whose worth throughout the peak centuries of Caribbean sugar cane production was equivalent to the value of crude oil today. In contemporary times, the Antiguan landscape is marked with the physical markers of the brutal and perfidious realities of the plantation in the form of the remnants of the windmills that were used for centuries to process sugarcane on the island.

According to the 2013 report of the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda, there are more than 200 windmill bases extant on the island. While in Antigua with Bucknell in the Caribbean students during a tour with a local professor, we learned about the important work the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda has been engaged in documenting the sugar mills of Antigua. That encounter instigated the idea of digitizing, mapping, and historicizing each of the mills electronically for access to scholars and for lay people interested in studying Antiguan and Caribbean histories, as well as for tourists visiting the island. We would like to request the help of the CS students to create a platform for this project.




To preserve and promote learning about Antigua and the Caribbean region’s unique and particular histories;
To continue researching the specific histories of each sugar mill and its associated plantation, including familial etymologies, transfers of ownership, information about the lives and experiences of enslaved laborers, and a chronology of the plantations associated with each site;
To partner with computer science students to design and launch a digital, interactive map that will include not only each mill’s location, but artistic representations and/or photographs of each site, as well as the research findings regarding the histories of each location; (to see an example, visit the map for Washington’s Mt. Vernon,



I am unaware of particular constraints for this project.




This project will create a “thick-mapping” interface that complicates our understanding of Atlantic World history through integration of maps, archival documents, and oral histories in ways that transcend traditional written histories of the region. The impacts of this project are wide-ranging and will involve the Bucknell community, as well as an Antiguan, and international participants and partners. I echo our primary goal, which is to preserve and promote learning about Antigua and the Caribbean region’s unique and particular histories through the creation of an interactive, digital map that will archive and provide essential, publicly available information for anyone interested in Antiguan history, anyone visiting the island who would like to visit these historic landmarks, and anyone devoted to the preservation of history, particularly the history of many enslaved Africans whose existence is not often recognized or acknowledged.



The primary task would be building the best platform to create the on-line map, and I believe that those resources exist. We do have a team of students who have been engaged in this research and have put all of the information in a database.

Group Summary

The history of Antigua mills are rich and valuable.  Currently there are no resources that present the history of these mills in an aesthetically pleasing or engaging way.  Essentially we want an interactive map of Antigua’s mill history including information of the historical events and people that relate to the mills. This would allow tourists and historians to easily access this information and to learn.

Identified Pains

  • No way to concisely present history of Antigua
  • Nobody wants to read a book- Want pictures
  • No way to identify possible points of interest
  • No aesthetically pleasing and easily accessible resources about the areas
  • No engaging/interactive presentation of the information.  Pretty and readable


Proposed Problem Description

The history of Antigua mills are rich, but currently there is no resources that present the history of these mills in an aesthetically pleasing or engaging way.

Proposed Goals

  • do this.
  • Encourage people to be interested in studying the history of Antigua
  • Provide a resource to engage people to study the history of Antigua
  • Make it easy to use and add to


Lucas Nicolois, Sienna Mosher, Allan La, Lukas Munoz, Matthew Rogge



Bobby Cao, Thomas Ficcadenti, Lucas Gregory, Jingya Wu, Stefano Cobelli

Our takeaways included removing compass to allow rotation in all directions, interactive maps with moving structures that leads the conversation and actively interact with users.

BrainStorming Sheet



Bobby Cao

Andrew Capuano

Jordan Faith


Group Pre-Proposals


Energy Hill

Project Description

We are developing a showcase of renewable energy and sustainability-related technologies near the BCSE and the blue water tower. The location is called “Energy Hill” and currently features a 9 kW PV array, a 1 kW wind turbine, and a greenhouse. We would like to be able to bring wifi communication to the site to enable data acquisition and control of the many system currently on energy hill, and with the ability to accommodate additional systems as they are added. Specifically, we request:

Develop an interactive web-portal for Bucknell Energy Hill. Goals of this project include:
– presenting ongoing research projects/results in a visually appealing manner
– interfacing with the solar array to collect real-time solar generation data
– working with L&IT to bring wireless access to the energy hill site
– developing a web-based monitoring and control system to accommodate current needs and enable future projects
– interfacing with existing weather monitoring systems to collect and display real time weather and solar resource data.
– enable control of Energy Hill systems (e.g. lights, pumps) using measured data with the option of remote override/reset via the web interface.
– incorporate user-configurable email/text alerts to be generated from measured data (e.g. loss of power, no water in the tank).
– incorporate data from the wind turbine including realtime power and aggregate energy production.


Develop an interactive web-portal for Bucknell Energy Hill. Goals of this project include:
– presenting ongoing research projects/results in a visually appealing manner
– interfacing with the solar array to collect real-time solar generation data
– working with L&IT to bring wireless access to the energy hill site
– developing a web-based monitoring and control system to accommodate current needs and enable future projects
– interfacing with existing weather monitoring systems to collect and display real time weather and solar resource data.
– enable control of Energy Hill systems (e.g. lights, pumps) using measured data with the option of remote override/reset via the web interface.
– incorporate user-configurable email/text alerts to be generated from measured data (e.g. loss of power, no water in the tank).
– data collection from the wind turbine including real time power and aggregate energy production.





An outward facing web page for the site would help us to build awareness of energy-related activities on campus. This would have value to current students, faculty and staff, as well as to prospective students. The data streams would also be useful to on-campus researchers.



We have budget for most of the data collection hardware, and possibly the network equipment. I am not certain what software will be required to be purchased.


Group Summary 

The purpose of this project is do provide real time data and control of existing systems at Bucknell. A webpage that displays the current data is required. The webpage should have two purposes, one is for people to control and view data for the current systems. The second purpose is to provide high level details to people who do not know about the systems. Also access to the current systems through the website is also desired.  Lastly there should be a notification system to notify certain users when levels pass into predefined thresholds.



Identified Pains

Manually review every system, there are many different systems that are currently in use and there is not a place where you can view information about all of them at the same time.

Systems are separate and not connected.

Data is not organized, many of the systems produce lots of data, this data might have “noise” in it that needs to be filtered out.

No real-time review of data.

Proposed Problem Description

Take the existing power production and utilities systems that are in place and create a way to monitor them. There should be a way for specific data to be viewed by experts in the power production that not everyone can access. Also there should be a way for non informed users to understand the real time data. There should be a way to control the systems remotely and to get notifications about systems remotely.

Combine all current systems into an updated, remote/mobile solution.

Proposed Goals

Develop a website to display the real time production data of the power systems. Make a database to log the data in. Create a remote access system for the current systems.


Bobby Cao

Jordan Faith

Levi Adair

Tom Ficcadenti


Brainstorm Activity

Allan La, Andrew Capuano, Brooke Bullek, Daniel V.



Jordan Voves

Benjamin Matase

Group Pre-prosals