Summer 2016

It has been quite some time since I’ve updated current events. Thanks to our students, we have had a pretty active summer…

  • Robert Cowen is continuing his work with me on word prediction models. We have good results and are writing our first paper. The first draft should be complete by the beginning of September.
  • Morgan Eckenroth has started work on the development of a virtual reality app (using Google Cardboard) that will be used by autistic children to help assess (and hopefully retrain) biases in their visual processing
  • Khai Nguyen is working on a collaborative project, funded together by the College of Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Computer Science. The aim of the project is to develop a new application for aerosol researchers in Chem Eng.
  • Ryan Stecher is working on a collaborative project with Dr. Aaron Mitchel in Psychology to develop and finalize a web-based series of perception tests.
  • Tongyu Yang has been investigating the use of deep learning to help autism researchers better understand why autistic children have substantial interest in certain types of images

Summer 2015

We have an active summer in store. Three students are working on entirely different research projects, while Rachel Ren is wrapping up her work.

  • Son Pham is working on investigating the use of Deep Learning for protein sequence classification. Deep Learning has recently gained substantial recognition due to its success with automated image recognition and speech classification. Very few have examined its use in bioinformatics. Son will help me explore this untapped area in bioinformatics.
  • Jason Hammett will be applying data mining techniques to years of regional climate data, including local stats for the Susquehanna River, to develop explanatory and predictive models for anomalistic weather events around the Susquehanna River Valley.
  • Robert Cowen will be continuing the wonderful work that I started with Bucknell Student Stephanie Gonthier last year on word prediction. Robert will be collaborating with myself and speech pathologists at the Geisinger-Bucknell Autism and Developmental Medicine Institute (ADMI) to develop a preliminary version of a new augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app that will utilize my word prediction model. This first version will be developed to run on Android tablets.
  • Rachel Ren is graciously staying for a month after graduating to help submit a paper based on her extensive work completed for her honors thesis. Stayed tuned!