Susquehanna River Initiative

Bucknell University Environmental Center

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Saturday, April 27, 2024


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our supporters
The Susquehanna River Initiative is grateful for the financial and professional support from the following organizations and agencies:
• Bucknell University
• Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies (SRHCES)
• Henry Luce Foundation
• Charles B. Degenstein Foundation
• Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC)
• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
• U.S. Department of Education
• Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP)
• Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PA DCNR)
• Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PA FBC)
• Trout Unlimited (TU)
• Central Builders, Inc.
• Forum for Religion and Ecology (Yale University)
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Bucknell student Joanna Freeman ('12) measures water quality in small stream at Roaring Creek watershed, a forested watershed that has been instrumented by the Susquehanna River Initiative faculty and staff for teaching and research purposes.
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Who we are
• A team of over 25 faculty and 50 students collaborating on teaching, research, and outreach endeavors in the Susquehanna watershed.

• Instrumented field research facilties - both in the river, gravel bed tributaries (White Deer Creek, Lycoming, Loyalsock, ad Muncy Creeks), wetlands (Montandon), forested lake/stream/wetlands (Roaring Creek), and agricultural areas (Buffalo Creek);
Contact us
Susquehanna River Initiative
Environmental Center
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, PA 17837

Telephone: (570) 577-1830
What we do
• Revamp existing courses or develop entirely new courses that incorporate the local Susquehanna watershed as a context for learning.

• Collaborate on research in the watershed, including air, water, and soil/rocks.