Susquehanna River Initiative

Bucknell University Environmental Center

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Saturday, April 27, 2024


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Reducing flooding and improving water quality
Constructing stormwater wetlands and floodplain storage areas
Matthew E. McTammany, Associate Professor of Geology
Development of a good stream restoration plan combines vision, creativity, and science into a concept design--what should the end product look like? Civil engineering students at Bucknell have helped to move from concepts toward final designs that are ready to be implemented in the field. 

To this point, civil engineers in an upper-level elective, Hydrology, (CENG 421) have used standard engineering methods to estimate flood flows at several points within the watershed. These flows support teams across campus who want to know the flow rates their channel designs need to handle.

Civil engineers Ryan Ebner and Jeth Soetoyo have been evaluating ideas for restoration of one branch of the stream as it crosses Abbey Lane onto the golf course driving range. They plan a full design of a constructed wetland as part of their senior design project during the spring of 2012. 
In addition, Carolyn Breden, a Civil Engineering senior, is collecting baseline water quality and flow data to provide support for the design projects as well as to evaluate how future restoration projects may impact water quality and flows in the stream.
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Miller Run aquatic assessment data
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