Susquehanna River Initiative

Bucknell University Environmental Center

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Saturday, April 27, 2024


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Educational Outreach
The Susquehanna River Initiative focuses community outreach activities that are scholarly in nature. Examples include teaching workshops, public speakers, and student and faculty seminars. The SRI also enjoys hosting large public meetings with watershed agencies, such as the Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Department of Environmental Protection, and the PA Fish and Boat Commission.

The SRI is proud to contribute to the scholarly mission of the Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies, a coalition of six universities located in the central Susquehanna region. Each year, hundreds of people attend our Susquehanna River Symposium.

SRI faculty and staff periodically provide teaching and technical review support to watershed groups and conservancies.
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outreach events
Susquehanna River Symposium
Held each November on the campus of Bucknell University, this event attracts hundreds of people from the public, watershed groups. A scientific research poster session is held on Friday and

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Stream Restoration Workshop
This two-day workshop focuses on ecologic and geomorphic factors to consider in stream restoration.

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Forested catchment and wetland hikes
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River Initiative faculty and staff provide educational walking tours of palustrine and riverine bogs and wetlands in the Susquehanna watershed. An example is the tour of Montandon Marsh as part of the Merill Linn Conservancy's "Caring for Communities" event held each spring. A wonderful learning experience.
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Educational Paddling Sojourns
River Initiative staff offer guided paddling (canoe, kayak, and drift boat) outings on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River to teach about the natural history, hydrology, and aquatic ecology of the Susquehanna River.
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