Susquehanna River Initiative

Bucknell University Environmental Center

SRI Logo

Saturday, April 27, 2024


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Serving the campus community.
The Susquehanna River Initiative serves the broader Bucknell community by allocating a portion of its grants for faculty course development, sponsoring student club activities, providing service learning opportunities (including stream and wetland cleanups), and guest lectures for a number of courses.

The SRI also provides scientific expertise to the Campus Greening Council, as well as conducts on-campus environmental and hydrologic monitoring, scientific leadership to stream and wetland restoration efforts such as improvement of Miller Run drainage through campus, reclamation of the Montandon gravel quarry, and stormwater runoff with the new Academic West expansion.

The SRI offers kayak and canoe outings and longer river sojourns, which enable students to enjoy paddling on the river and inform them about the natural and cultural history and aquatic habitat of the Susquehanna watershed.

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community service
The River Initiative is working to reduce the flooding and improve the aquatic habitat of Miller Run, a small stream which flows through the center of campus.
Miller Run Restoration Area
A Growing Greener grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is helping us restore the channel in the upper reaches to a more natural condition, including removal of old pipes and culverts and debris and construction of new storm water wetlands and stream channel.

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A Living Learning Laboratory
The River Initiative is installing hydrologic, meteorologic, and water quality instruments though out camps and on the river, complete with telemetry-based data streaming for teaching and research applications in the classroom and laboratory.

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